Chapter 6

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"I am afraid... that the casualties of our battle were far greater than expected, Madara-sama. And the tragic thing is... many of them were caused by one of our own."

Nanami felt the heat of embarrassment rush up her neck to her face as she lay in a bowing position before none other than the great Madara, head of their clan. She bowed not only before Madara, but also before the rest of the clan council, many of whom looked down upon her with complete scorn written across their facials. Among them, the triumphant and smirking faces of Misaki and Arashi could be seen, both eagerly awaiting Nanami's punishment. Beside Madara, Izuna sat stiff and upright, also awaiting Madara's decision. He knew that whatever was decided, he would not let Nanami face it on her own. No, he would stay by her side, regardless of what anyone thought of him.

"Hmm..." Izuna's fists clenched on his thighs as Madara began to speak, anxiously awaiting his final say. As with any other important matter concerning justice and the main wants of the clan, Madara completely isolated Izuna's feelings from his decision, only wanting what was best deserved for Nanami's actions. He cleared his throat as the girl trembled, her slender fingers fearfully shaking as she tried to get a grip of the tatami floor beneath her. She was thankful for the fact that her hair obscured her pale face as she bowed, for tears were rapidly forming and beginning to fall, unnoticed.

"Uchiha Nanami. You were entrusted a duty to perform for the sake of the clan, and ultimately failed. Your actions cost us many valuable men on the battlefield, and eventually, the battle itself to the Yasuda clan. Before I announce your punishment, is there anything you wish to say to the clan?"

By now, Nanami's shaking was a borderline seizure attack, and her mouth kept opening and closing as she tried to string her hazy and forlorn thoughts into words of apology and humility.

"Nanami. I command you to sit up straight, and face the council," ordered Madara harshly, a sting following his words. Yes, he knew that this was the girl Izuna felt affection for, but he could not let that fact cloud his judgement. Bobbing her head one more time, Nanamibhastily blinked away the remaining tears and got onto her knees, resting on her calves as she looked straight up at Madara. His face was grim, and he raised an eyebrow at the grovelling female.

"I'm sorry!" she burst out. "I don't know what happened- everything was set up beforehand, and- and- I don't know what happened! I am truly, deeply sorry! I have failed you all, and I am ready to suffer whatever consequences you have in store for me!" Nanami threw herself back into her bowing position, knowing that she was unworthy of looking anyone else in the eye after what her actions had cost the clan. There was no doubt that everyone in the room had lost someone they knew of in the previous battle, and there was a fifty-fifty chance it had been because of Nanami's failure to fully execute her traps, as promised. Madara sighed, just a little.

"Uchiha Nanami. Your failure has cost our clan more than we can afford, and usually, your punishment would be something as severe as a lengthy imprisonment, maybe even death, considering how much was sacrificed." Nanami waited with baited breath, eyes tightly shut as she waited for Madara to say something along the lines of, "You're banished," or, "You are to be burned to death."

I was so foolish for thinking he'd be lenient, Nanami mentally cursed herself, waiting.

"However, this was your first time on the battlefield at any given time, and we ourselves should have known better than to trust such an important role to someone as inexperienced and unskilled as you. Therefore, the blame rests not only on your shoulders, but on ours as well, meaning that while your actions may have failed us, it was our mistake to overestimate you. So, in the only fair way possible, you will be spared death and imprisonment." Before cries of anguish could arise from the council present, Madara held up a hand to silence them, and continued.

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