Chapter 16

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"Ahh, Nanami-chan! What do you call that?" Izuna mused as he easily sidestepped one of her sloppy attacks. Huffing and muttering under her breath, the tired ebony haired woman cursed as she missed her target again. She raised an arm to throw another hit at Izuna, only to have him catch her wrist before she had even moved. Not one to shy away from opportunities, Nanami took the chance to sweep a kick underneath her tutor's feet, successfully knocking him to the ground, albeit for a few moments. Izuna quickly recovered from the attack, surprise evident in his eyes as he leapt back up and grabbed Nanami by her shoulder, causing the woman to cry out in pain as he wrenched her backwards with the intent of throwing her to the ground.

"Ouch!" Just as Izuna was about to throw her down, Nanami quickly latched onto him, jumping onto him from the side and wrapping her arms and legs around his torso, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

"N-Nanami! that's not how you win a fight!" exclaimed Izuna in shock, half laughing as he supported Nanami's weight in his arms. She kept her grip on him iron tight, refusing to let go. "Nanami, you'll get killed if you do this!"

Nanami smirked.

That's what you think.

Using all her power, Nanami used her weight force to twist herself and Izuna to the ground, rotating so that the other Uchiha was beneath her, and landed on the ground with an almighty thud. She sat atop Izuna with her kunai drawn, pointing it at his throat will a victorious gleam in her eyes. Underneath, Izuna merely chuckled, shaking his head at Nanami.

"I could've killed you when you were latched onto me," he said in an as-a-matter-of-fact voice, pushing aside her kunai with a small grin. "Therefore, technically, you're already dead, and I win. Sorry."

"But you didn't!" replied Nanami, wagging a finger in Izuna's face. "Therefore, technically, you're dead, and I win. Not sorry. I won this round, Izuna."

Izuna chuckled, closing his eyes and spreading his arms out as Nanami continued to sit on him, bringing her kunai back to his throat as she awaited his plea of defeat. Lately, Nanami had grown more confident and sassy around him, which was something new of hers that he found he rather adored. Her taijutsu skills had immensely improved as well, as was proven by their current battle. Izuna hoped that once Nanami had mastered her taijutsu skills, there would be no problem in her mastering those of ninjutsu, and then, gods willing, genjutsu.

"Okay, fine. You win this round," sighed Izuna in defeat, feeling the cold metal of Nanami's kunai pressing into the side of his neck. Nanami smiled triumphantly, withdrawing her kunai from his skin and crossing her arms with a cocky glint in her eyes.

"Thank you." As Nanami made to rise from her position, Izuna sat up and pulled her back down onto him, wrapping his arms around her and clutching her tightly to his chest.

"Ahh, Izuna-nii!" squealed the female as Izuna held onto her, rolling around with him on the solid ground, dust kicking up around them.

"My Nanami-chan has grown so much!" cooed the elder Uchiha, bombarding her with multiple kisses of affection. Nanami let out a loud laugh, trying and failing to push him away.

"Izuna-nii-!" She finally managed to get Izuna away, underneath him and holding him at arm's length. He looked down at her with tenderness in his eyes, something that Nanami hadn't fully adjusted to. She grinned awkwardly at him, and Izuna smiled in return.

"You weirdo," she laughed, shoving his back with one hand. Izuna shook his head, taking in her beauty. Oh, how he longed for Nanami to be his, totally and completely. He wanted to claim her, to make her his, to cleanse her of the evils forced upon her by the filthy Arashi. He wanted to tell her just how much he loved her, but he didn't. Instead, he decided to compliment her on her improvement instead, knowing that in due time, there would be a perfect time and place to explain to her just how he felt.

"You did great, Nanami," he uttered softly, caressing her windblown tresses. Nanami smiled in return, and his heart melted at the very sight.


End of Chapter 16 [by Kushina]

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