Chapter 24

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As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Nanami's panic levels and worry about the health of her unborn child reached tumultuous levels.

"It'll be okay," said Izuna reassuringly as the pair walked through the streets of the compound. Passersby often took a quick look at the now heavily pregnant woman, some of them with lingering stares.

In the weeks that had ensued at the discovery of her childbearing, Madara had immediately barred Nanami from any active duties she had had as a kunoichi. This meant staying behind when they were sent out on battle, and more times than she could count, Izuna too had bowed out of fighting so that he could stay behind with Nanami. Today was no exception.

"Izuna... you keep skipping battles to stay with me," said Nanami weakly, precarious about her friend's situation. "Don't you think the council have been getting annoyed?"

"I only skip the battles with the lesser clans, so you don't need to worry," said Izuna in a light voice, waving away Nanami's doubts. "The council can stay mad at me all they want- for all we know, there might be some bloodthirsty relatives of Arashi's and Juri's looking to take your life. I'm not taking any risks, especially since you're with child."

I don't really care about the child, though.

Izuna pushed the thought out of his mind and looked down at Nanami, who waddled tentatively alongside him as they headed towards the market. With a small smile, Izuna smoothly slid his hand downwards so that it was holding Nanami's, catching her by surprise.

"Ah, Izuna-nii..." The female Uchiha flushed and turned away from her superior, cheeks turning a faint pink at the unexpected contact. Izuna puffed up his chest proudly as he marched her along, unsure of how to voice his thoughts.

"I think it's about time I put it all in the open. Don't you think?"

Nanami nodded meekly, not knowing what Izuna was talking about.

"Well, if you want to..." Izuna laughed at the timid look on Nanami's face, squeezing her hand softly.

"Do you want to know why I really stay behind with you?" he asked in a mild voice, making Nanami raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Um... no?"

The pair continued to walk, both ignoring the whispers of those who passed them.

"Do you remember when we first met?"

At that, Nanami's light flush turned into deep red as she recalled when Izuna had stepped in and rescued her from the torment of her cousins, all of whom died shortly after.

"Yeah..." murmured Nanami under her breath, rubbing her belly with her free hand as she reminisced on the time she had first met him. Izuna chuckled.

"Every time I see you, I see that same little girl who was picked on by her own family," he continued, making Nanami wince. "The little, sensitive girl."

"But I'm not that girl anymore," declared Nanami loudly, looking Izuna straight in the eye. "You can say as much as you want, Izuna, but you know just as well as I do that I am no longer that girl."

"I know. Sometimes I regret teaching you how to fight for yourself, because I miss being the only one who could save you," said Izuna forlornly, making Nanami snort at his remark.

"Everything's changed now," she said with a light laugh. "I can be my own hero."

Izuna stopped Nanami in her tracks and stood in front of her, holding both of her hands in his.

"I don't want you to be," he said tenderly, holding her hands tight. "I don't want you to suffer alone, Nanami."


"I want to be the one you run to when you need help. The only one," he added, stepping closer to Nanami so that they were chest to chest. "I want to be the one you rely on, for anything and everything."

"Well, you kind of already are," joked Nanami, making Izuna throw back his head and let out a roaring laugh.

"What I mean, Nanami, is that I want to be with you," he said upon calming down, looking the abashed woman directly in the eye. "I mean this with all my heart when I say that I love you. I know that your life hasn't been an easy one, but I'm hoping that with me by your side, you won't have to struggle alone from this point on. No matter what the clan says or does, I will always be on your side. I always have been, Nanami. Please don't reject me now; my whole life has been dedicated to protecting you and making you happy. I can't bear to keep pretending that I only intend to have a friendly relationship between us. I love you far too much for this."

Nanami's face was now as deep red as a ripe tomato, and she looked so cute to Izuna he just wanted to scoop her up and smother her in kisses.

"You look... interesting," pointed out Izuna, unsure of how else to describe Nanami's face. She let out a nervous laugh as she looked up at him, licking her lips as she tried to find the correct words to say.

"So... what does this mean?" she asked nervously. Izuna's face dropped into a pout, and he childishly swung her arms back and forth in a fake tantrum.

"I declare my love for you and you ask me what I mean?" he said in a sad voice. Nanami laughed and stopped his swinging, holding his arms firmly in her grip.

"Izuna-nii..." She gulped as she looked up at him with a small smile. With Izuna being two years older than her, she had always felt intimidated and deterred from referring to him tenderly. However, she decided that today she wouldn't worry about it too much.

"Thank you," she said softly, pulling her hands out of Izuna's and wrapping her arms around his waist in a tight hug. He looked mildly surprised as she lay her head against his chest, but was quick to put his arms around her and return her warm embrace. "You were there for me all these years, and I could do little to repay you. Hearing those words... from you... have made me far happier than you could imagine."

Izuna smiled tenderly and rest his head on top of Nanami's, breathing in her flowery scent.

"You can repay me, here and now. Nanami, will you be mine?"

"Of course I will," said the female in a muffled voice as she clutched onto Izuna. "I always have been, Izuna, whether I was aware of it or not."

The corners of Izuna's lips twitched upwards in a small smirk at Nanami's words, and he felt a surge of triumph coursing through his veins as he held her closer to him.

"At least you knew..." he murmured under his breath, placing a hand behind her head and beginning to stroke her long, dark tresses.

"... but the child, how will that work out?" asked Nanami, clutching onto the back of Izuna's shirt. He frowned and paused in his actions, before giving Nanami an answer.

"I'll help you with it," he said monotonously. Even though his voice was dull, his words were encouragement to Nanami's ears, and she nodded as he spoke. "I want to make your life easier, not harder than it already is."

"Will you really, Izuna? Will you help me raise this child?"

Izuna bit down on his tongue before he replied, knowing full well that he wasn't going to be raising any spawn of Arashi's.

"Of course," he said softly, relaxing in Nanami's arms. She sighed in relief.

"Thank you," she said breathlessly, feeling nothing less than safe and secure in the Uchiha's arms. "I owe you everything, Izuna."

Little did Nanami know, nothing but darkness clouded Izuna's mind as she spoke of the child she unwillingly held in her womb.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now