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The foundation of the Hidden Leaf Village ushered in a new period of peace and prosperity, ultimately ending the need for the Uchiha to keep needlessly sending out their children to the battlefields.

However, with the unification of the Senju and Uchiha, several other clans flocked to the newly founded village for the sake of their own protection.

And it was within these clans that a dirty family secret revealed itself.

"Welcome, welcome."

Standing with Nanami at the gates of the newly built village, Izuna nodded at people as they made their way into the village, looking around in awe at their new home.

"Madara and I will be off." Seeing that Izuna had things under control, Hashirama Senju placed a hand on Izuna's shoulder, signalling his and Madara's departure. Izuna nodded as the pair readied themselves to leave, and turned his attention back to the flow of people who were arriving.


The two Uchiha turned their attention to a snowy haired elderly woman in the crowd who tripped and fell over, dropping her countless bags. Nanami was the first to make it to her side, picking up the lady first and then collecting her bags, assuring her fellow clansmen that she would help the woman. 

Izuna watched with a small smile as Nanami tended to the woman and walked with her into the village, creating conversation and carrying her belongings.

"Oh, Shimizu, you say? No, I'm not a Senju, I'm from the Uchiha clan..."

Nanami looked over her shoulder at Izuna and mouthed "I'll be back!", causing him to sigh and turn his attention back to the crowd coming in.

"Kazue! No running! Kazue, come back-"

Izuna watched as a little boy of about eight ran past him, giggling and bouncing around.

"Is this our new home, kaa-san?!"

Izuna's attention focused on the little boy as he ran behind Izuna, deliberately disobeying his frazzled looking mother and standing far away from his incoming clan members. He looked around the newly erected buildings in awe, gawping and gasping. It was then that the father broke free from the crowd too, heading towards his son and wife, laden with all their bags and belongings. At first glance, they seemed like your average family.

"Kazue, how many times have we told you not to run away like that!"

"Please head towards the village hall to register your arrival," called out Izuna, directing the flow of people towards the hall where Hashirama and Madara awaited.

It was then that he noticed something odd about the family standing on the side.

Both parents were tan in complexion, and they shared the same snow white hair, wearing yukata bearing their clan's insignia. And, with further inspection, Izuna noticed that several of the people walking in with the family shared the same traits. Same white hair, same tanned skin.

Their son, on the other hand, stood out like a sore thumb.

He had fair skin, jet black hair, and eyes the colour of onyx. Izuna squinted at the child, wondering where the discrepancies in his appearance originated from.

Why do I feel like I've seen this child before...

"Behave yourself, Kazue!" said the mother threateningly, taking her child by the ear and dragging him back to their other clan members as he began whining. Behind the two of them, their father sighed and shook his head, before following them back into the human traffic.

One who was quick to analyse and make conclusions, Izuna could only deduce that the child was not the man's, or not even the woman's either. The fact that he seemed so familiar to him as well did not rest easy with him, and his brow furrowed as he tried to remember where this boy was from.

As the family hobbled away, Izuna swiftly activated his Sharingan and read their chakra signatures.

And when he did, he felt his heart stop.

That's... impossible!

He had been totally right about the boy not belonging to either of the parents he was with; obviously, he had been adopted. Their signatures couldn't be more different.

And while the boy's chakra signature was inherently his own, it bore striking similarities to two signatures Izuna was all too familiar with.

"Izuna! What are you doing?!"

The Uchiha was snapped out of his thoughts as he felt Nanami lightly smack the back of his head, looking at him with worry in her eyes.

"Why is your Sharingan activated?!" she hissed, covering his face from passersby. "Are you trying to scare people away?"

Izuna vigorously shook his head and looked back at the crowd, keeping his eyes locked on the little boy named Kazue.

"My bad," he said, shrugging it off. Nanami shot him one last look of concern before giving him the thumbs up and heading back to her post, welcoming strangers into the village.

Seething in rage, Izuna's hands balled into fists at his side as he watched the boy disappear with his parents, an old hatred beginning to rise up from within.

You had one job, Misaki, he thought lividly. I knew I should have taken care of him myself!

Knowing that the child of Uchiha Arashi and Uchiha Nanami lived on awakened a previously subdued monster within Izuna.

As long as Kazue was in the village, he would not be safe.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now