Chapter 30

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"This battle with the Ueda clan is absolutely crucial in deciding who controls the trade routes going through the valley. Nothing but pure annihilation will secure this victory for us. We have weakened them gradually over time, and this is our opportunity to wipe them out completely."

Nanami stood side by side with Izuna as Madara addressed all the shinobi preparing to go out to battle, donning his own gear as he did so.

"Do not underestimate them. But at the same time, do not fear them. You are all more than capable of bringing victory to our clan, so always bear that in mind."

Nanami nodded as Madara finished his pep talk, and looked at Izuna with a serious look on her face.

Her long, raven tresses were tied up in a high ponytail, and she wore a black yukata with the Uchiha crest on the back with fishnet leggings and the standard shinobi sandals. She shone brighter than the sun, oozing confidence and magnificence, and when she saw that Izuna was already looking at her, her face broke into a wide smile.

"I'm excited," she murmured under her breath. Izuna couldn't take his eyes off of her.

"I know you wanted to come into battle of your own accord, Nanami, but please stay by my side," said Izuna forcefully. "I don't want you to stray anywhere I can't protect you."

Nanami smirked and crossed her arms, winking at her lover.

"Don't worry. I won't be too far from you, okay?" she said cheekily, making Izuna let out a little laugh and reach out for her hair.

"Hey!" he chuckled, pulling at her ponytail. "I'm dead serious!"

"And so am I," she replied tautly, nodding at the Uchiha. "Don't worry about me."

Still worried things might go amiss during battle, Izuna couldn't help but wonder what today would be like.


"Izuna, I'm going to be down here! Follow me when you're ready!"

"Nanami! Nanami, don't you d- ARGH!"

Izuna let out a cry of exasperation as he was confronted by one of the Ueda shinobi, their kunai clashing with the blade of his katana as he tried to keep an eye out for Nanami's whereabouts.

Up until that point of the battle, they had been an indestructible team. Anyone who went near Izuna immediately felt Nanami's wrath, and was cut down immediately; likewise, anyone who threatened Nanami's safety was struck down mercilessly, and the kill count for the couple continued to grow.

That is, until Nanami decided to break from Izuna and lead some of the enemy shinobi away from him, leaving him furious. Unbeknownst to him, however, Nanami had a target in mind, and she wasn't going to let it slide anymore.

"Running away, are you?" Nanami heard someone yell in front of her. She narrowed her eyes as she saw Misaki running towards her, sword drawn as she easily cut down the Ueda shinobi who had pursued Nanami.

One of them leapt back, only to be further attacked by Nanami, and for a brief moment in time, Nanami and Misaki were on the same side for once. They fought back to back until the enemy had been destroyed, and mere seconds after the last shinobi had fallen, Nanami sprung at the opportunity.

Leaping over the top of Misaki's head, Nanami kicked the katana out of her clansman's hands and landed gracefully on her feet, cracking her neck. Misaki cackled as the blade landed several feet away from her, and she and her foe stood face to face.

"Did widdle Nanami-chan come out to play with one of the big girls?" snarled Misaki, pulling out kunai from her sleeve. Nanami merely smirked at Misaki's taunting, knowing full well that she had every advantage over her.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now