Chapter 13

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In the quiet home of Uchiha Madara and Izuna, a gloomy Nanami laid restlessly on her futon as she watched the bright rays of the sun peer through the open window in her room. The warmth of the sun's rays greeted her with delight, and she sighed softly when she realized that she had been in bed for longer than usual.

Summoning up her strength to get off the futon, the ebony-haired Uchiha crawled out of her comfortable bed and dressed herself with a knee-length navy blue dress with slits on the side of both legs and black leggings. Even though Nanami was living under their roof for almost a week now, she was still not allowed to go anywhere without Izuna at her side, much to her dismay.

During her stay with the Uchiha brothers, Izuna would often tell her that she had nothing to worry about anymore. He would smile warmly at her and pat her head affectionately to reassure her doubts as well, but that didn't stop Nanami from feeling useless once more. She was desperate to do something for her clan, and she didn't want to be confined within the Uchiha brothers' home forever.

Sliding the shoji screen door open, Nanami exited out of her room and headed for the kitchen to make a late breakfast for herself. Perhaps food would be able to take her mind off of things for the moment.


Meanwhile in Izuna's office, Izuna was looking through documents that listed new war tactics, along with some scrolls that were obtained from a reconnaissance team that he had sent out earlier during the week. He was so absorbed into the content that he didn't notice his eldest brother enter the room until Madara slammed his hand onto the wooden desk.

Startled, Izuna looked up from the old scroll that he was reading, and raised an eyebrow at his older brother.

"Is there something that you need, Nii-san?"

"We need to talk, Izuna. It's something important too." Madara stated sternly.

"Then speak. I'm listening,"

"I understand that you want Nanami under your protection at all times, but I cannot have her stay at home all day and do nothing for our clan. Everyone has a duty to carry out in this clan, and I will not tolerate this game of yours anymore. She needs to contribute herself as a useful member, and if you are reluctant to give her work, then I will not hesitate to assign her a new job. We can always use another helpful hand out in the fields."

Internally, Izuna was panicking from his brother's words. If it was his own way, Izuna wouldn't want Nanami to be exposed to the world at all. He would lock her up forever in the safety of their home, never allowing her to see anything and anyone but him. It was the suffocating and obsessive love that he had for her that prevented him from letting her do things on her own.

"Nii-san, Nanami can't go out yet. She's still healing from her traumatic experience with Arashi. Can't you be reasonable and just wait a little longer for her?" suggested Izuna with a hopeful look in his onyx eyes.

"No, Izuna. Nanami is not as fragile as you think she is. She needs to learn how to move on from those experiences to get on with her life. We all have our own scars, but it's only natural for us to have them since we are shinobi. Time will not wait for her, and neither will the clan." argued Madara firmly.

Izuna dreaded to hear those painful words from his brother, but he knew that if he didn't make the decision soon, the council would decide on Nanami's fate instead. Gripping the scroll in his hand tightly, the second-in-command leader decided to submit to Madara's command, but not without a bit of manipulation first.

"If I train Nanami to become a kunoichi again, would you accept her back into our military branch?" Izuna queried.

"There will be some protest among the elders and council members if I allowed her to come back." responded Madara.

𝐋𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 | izuna uchihaWhere stories live. Discover now