Ch 19 Part 1 Thievery and Tomfoolery

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Ok with that out of the way! Finally we get a confession! This was a blast to write, honestly XD
Before you ask, yes the "orb" mention is on purpose. That's a deliberate creation because fanfic tropes.

Hunter would look nice with wet hair.

For the second portion of the fic, I added a song in. Why? Because I saw a post where some star wars fans were complaining about self insert writers adding in singing to the fic. I'm a salty motherfucker, and have no tolerance for completely unwarranted hate (its singing???) so I wrote it in to spite those haters. Cause fuck em thats why!
Write whatever your little heart desires and tell the haters to take a long walk off a short pier.

Anyways. This chapter is 5000+ words (again) so I had to break it in two. The next chapter (20: Toe the Line) is uber fluffy and wonderful and will also probably be broken in two because Ive been sitting on that chapter for like a month.


Content Warning: Mentions of kink, sexual references, strong language (the usual and no it doesnt happen during the confession scene)


With a confused glance at Crosshair, who shrugged, I said, "Uh... What's it about? I told you I'd explain the sailor thing tomorrow."

"It's not that," Hunter said with a shake of his head.

"Well, what is it?" I asked, swishing my tail.

"Come with me and I'll tell you."

I frowned. Why was he being so cryptic and why was he suddenly sweating? He'd also begun to tug the hair on the back of his neck, a nervous tic I'd noticed him doing a few times. But why was he nervous?

"Everything ok, Sarge?" I asked.

"Yes. I just need to talk with you. Now."

I blinked at the sharp tone, ears twitching backwards uneasily.

He tugged harder at his hair. "It's... it's just important," he backpedaled, tone less harsh.

"Uh... alrightly." I fished my phone out of my pocket and set it on the table after hanging my pack on the back of the chair. "Hey, Twiggs."

Crosshair looked up from the fish.

"I'm leavin' this here in case the rain starts. Try to hack it at your own risk."

"Why would I do that?" he asked, moving onto the next fish.

"Because you're Crosshair, that's why," I retorted. "Besides, that was more of a warnin' to give to Tech when he gets done."

The sniper merely glanced at me before turning his attention back to his task.

"Cross, do not spice them into the Outer Rim," Hunter growled in warning as he and I headed back towards the stairs.

"Aye, sir," Crosshair muttered sarcastically.

Leaving the sniper to his work, I followed the sergeant outside. As he walked through the door, I found myself jogging to keep up.

"Hey, Shaggy, uh, there's a storm comin'," I reminded him, a rumble of thunder emphasizing my words. "And not to play into the 'cats hate water' stereotype, but I don't wanna get wet."

"It'll hold," he said, voice taunt.

Damn, son, what got you wound tight?

As I followed behind him, I could see tense muscles outlined through his blacks. Damn he really was agitated about something . "You good? You're actin' more nervous than a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs!" I remarked as he led me to the river bank and through the trees away from where Tech had been sprayed. "Got me kinda worried here."

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