Ch. 64 Just the Way You Are

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Finally. Almost two years later, I have FINALLY finished this monster of a fic! Kinda surreal, looking back through all of it and seeing my mindset from when it started compared to now. I was just heading into Junior year of college during Fall 2020, and now here I am graduated. Again, surreal and mind boggling.

But this won't be the last you see of this story! I'm in the process of revamping the first 40 chapters which will be posted on my main tumblr account (Shadows-Fan-Space) on August 8th as a downloadable PDF so save that date!

What's after this? Well, I'm going to finish up C,MtC (three chapters to go which will all be posted next week) and on July 8th, two years after finishing my first bad batch fic, I will be posting THREE separate story prologues! One is the book after this one (To the Far Reaches[TtFR]), one is me saving Domino squad and stepping into the greater clone wars universe (Fallen Not Forgotten [FNF]), and the other is an original story of mine that I've been working off and on with for YEARS (Fateful Tides [FT]). The two fanfics will be published across all my platforms but the original story will be on Wattpad only. Be sure to follow me so you can be notified when those stories get released!

After those three are posted, I will be taking a month off for July then starting back in August. I'll then be posting three times a month, with the fourth week being a break. The upload schedule will go TtFR, FNF, and FT. All patrons will be getting the Prologue AND Chapter One of those fics on July 8th :D


CW: Mentions of death, non-sexual nudity (implied), un-beta'd (i didn't get it to my beta in time lol).


The shower certainly helped chase away some of that...

Hellfire what did you even call that? Guilt? Horror? Disgust? Shock?

Ugh, whatever.

I just hoped Zed would give me a break and not send any nightmares my way.

I'd just gone ahead and shifted into Omega form for the shower, locking away my Alphian traits and shrinking myself back down. I really didn't want to deal with cleaning that giant tail of mine in the tiny ass shower pod. The matted and filthy fur was a problem for Future Me.

Hell, a lot of things were going to be a problem for Future Me.

Wrecker certainly helped the angst though, distracting me by asking about my favorite childhood shows. There was of course some teasing about my favorite crush type being rebellious trouble makers who were always down to throw hands, but it was all in good fun. After I got out and changed into new clothes that I yoinked from my tardis bag, the topic shifted from childhood shows to video games after the demolition expert noticed the faded Edward Kenway design on the front of my gray shirt. How Wrecker was able to make any of the design out was beyond me, since I'd had the shirt for nearly a decade and the design was faded beyond belief. Nevertheless, Wrecker took note and certainly seemed excited to talk about pirates as he took a shower himself.

Despite the man insisting he was no good with words, he really was easy and calming to talk to. It wasn't that I didn't know that already, it was him who broke me out of that nightmare after all, but this alone time just served as a nice reminder how comforting the commando was.

Maybe it was because he was my top comfort character. Maybe it had to do with the near-scalding water relaxing me. Maybe he was just so honest that I knew I could be honest with him in turn and didn't have to waste energy to keep myself "socially acceptable" or whatever.

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