Ch. 17 Spice Trips

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So.... I had another case of the zoomies. Behold another monster chapter of 5271 words because I have no self control when I get into a writing vein. Especially when I get to add fantastical elements. I should have broken it into two, but oh well.

Off to a Great Start drew people in with its craziness, so I decided to bring that back! Or Maxolyn decided to. He was SUPPOSED to wait until the Vault scene but he wanted to introduce himself earlier. He's a lovely character, basically Santa's crackheaded sailor cousin. He sweet tho, if not crazy.

But we finally get some more information on Realm Walkers! There's a reason I called this chapter "Spice Trips". At least Sarah is helpful! I love her so much

Would say more, but honestly I want to throw you into the deep end and let you figure it out for yourself :D
I will say towards the end I do mention a little bit of body-self consciousness because well it be like that. But thing is even with abs and a muscley body, I have some extra skin on my sides. It's healthy!



"Shadow talked about us?"

Worried that either Crosshair or Shadow, or even both, would come back with some caliber of new scarring, Hunter desperately wanted to keep his mind off the impending disaster no doubt lurking around the corner. Perhaps learning how much their guide talked about them before she met them would keep his concern at bay.

Or perhaps not, but it would be better than nothing.

Maker, what have I done?

The older farm owner, Sarah, nodded. "Absolutely. She always gets so excited when she talks about her, how does she put it, favorite space marines," she said with a warm smile.

"What'd she say about me?" Wrecker asked, a large grin on his face.

"Said you were a big guy, but she knew you'd be a total sweetheart if she met you," Sarah said, then laughed. "She says she's not good with people, but she's never wrong with her gut feelings about someone."

"She is pretty clever," Hunter agreed. "Knew how to force us into situations where we couldn't use our primary skills against her."

"How did you come to meet her, anyways?" Sarah asked, leading them to the barn.

"We were contacted by Trevor who tried to introduce us to Shadow but..."

How to say this in a way that wouldn't look like they'd kidnapped the woman?

"She bolted," Tech piped up, much to Hunter's horror. "She acted very skittish at first to throw us off then used our underestimation of her to her advantage."

"Probably wasn't an act," Sarah mused. "She hates being caught off guard, and knowing Trevor he left you four as a surprise. Believe it or not, she's not a melee fighter. She'll hit you from a distance if she can."

"She's a sniper?" Hunter asked. Odd, Shadow seemed more like Wrecker! Up close and personal, attacking her opponent headon. Hitting hard and fast, decimating her enemy and leaving nothing unscathed.

She hadn't done that with them, but she hadn't wanted to hurt them. When the situation turned dire for her, Hunter still remembered the shift in her style from "evade" to "destroy". Then there was her fight with James...

She's a complex fighter... I like that.

He yanked his thought back to the present.

Focus. Do not get distracted.

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