Ch. 41 Close Calls

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Ya know, I WAS gonna take a two week break after the last chapter because I'm tired and many people of told me to take it easy with chapters.
But the fact we got a filler episode this close to the finale after they set up a Cross confrontation...
I had to remedy no Cross this week with a new chapter.

Not gonna say too much about this one, other than brace yourself. It's... semi intense with a NASTY cliffhanger. Here's where we really start diverging from canon too. Fuck them chips.

Warnings: Self hatred, arguments, insecure Crosshair, Order 66 discussion, bitterness about Mary Sues, usual Shadow ominousness.


Returning to the shelter, greeting Tech and nearly getting hug-tackled by Wrecker, we ate breakfast quickly before gearing up, packing our things, and heading out once more after making one last stop. Perhaps we should have lingered and discussed the plans for the day, but a sense of urgency had instilled itself in all of us and we were eager to get this day over with.

After yesterday and last night, our fun meter was already maxed.

Better to just dive in and get through it as quickly as we could.

The minute we left, Tech attached himself to my side. "I have some questions about your origins, Shadow, if I may ask."

I shrugged. "Ain't like we got anythin' better to discuss."

And I won't turn down any distraction from my nightmare last night.

"Alphians are a species you made up, correct? For your story reality which merged with our current one."

I swished my tail. "Sounds about right."

"If you aren't an Alphian in your reality, what are you?"

"Human." Reality is often disappointing...

"But you have noticeable elements of feline in your personality."

My ears pinned. "Yeah. It's the reason I was an outcast most of the time. Acted like a cat and was downright weird so... other kids didn't like me. Kinda understandable, but still hurt. Plus I was obsessed with different shows to the point of hyperfixation, and was called annoyin' for it." I had to laugh, the irony of the situation. "How odd that one of the main shows that made me an outcast is the one I'm stuck in now, but I'm actually liked for my quirks."

"I love your quirks, Squeak!" Wrecker corrected, nudging me with a warm laugh.

"Glad to hear it!" I replied, shoving him back with a grin of my own.

Truly, though. I'm not officially part of the squad... but y'all make me feel more welcome than many people ever will.

Guess it takes a misfit to befriend a misfit.

"So we are from a show?" Hunter asked, pushing a fern frond out of the way.

"Technically two. Y'all are minor characters in one but are major characters in your own show," I said, hopping over a rock.

Wait... did I know about their show when I jumped into this reality?

Don't try to logicate things.

That's not a word.

It's what we're going with.

"What were the show names?" Tech asked, quickly hopping after me to stick by my side.

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