Ch. 12 ~Testing the Waters~

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Hello hello! I'm back with another chapter!
It's a bit wonky, perhaps, but I should probably not that interactions between Cross and I isn't quite forgiveness. More like testing the water. Anywho.

And yeah, I changed the original mountain to a volcano in the middle of the book. Oop.

Also! Check my tumblr, I posted a sneak peak at the new Trust Shattered yesterday for Halloween!

If you enjoyed, consider leaving a vote!

Content Warnings: Talk of blood extraction.


An hour and a half.

It had been nearly an hour and a half since Shadow said anything apart from brief, one word answers and the occasional species introduction when Tech asked. And while the smell of cortisol had subsided, Hunter was starting to get worried. He knew the signs of self-destruction all too well, and prolonged silence was a big one. Especially when someone like Shadow was usually so talkative.

They had nearly reached the top of the mountain, which would be as good a place to stop as any. He could send Crosshair to scout along the ridge, which may get Shadow talking again.

"We'll stop briefly at the ridgetop," he announced.

"Good, I gotta piss," Wrecker announced.

Tech groaned. "Thank you for sharing."

"My bladder hurts!"

Crosshair meanwhile muttered, "Do we need a news flash every time your body does something?"

Hunter looked towards Shadow for a reaction, but the woman had picked up her pace and was heading up the trail.

Sithspit, Crosshair really did a number on her. Hunter jogged after her. "Hey, Ice."

She didn't say anything but let Hunter catch up to her.

Coming alongside her, he lowered his voice, "How're you doing?"


More short worded answers, spoken through gritted teeth.

"Can I talk to you when we get to the top?" He lowered his voice. "Alone?"

"Guess so."

Concern for her gnawed at him, and, to his own surprise, he let it.

Of course he was concerned for her. She'd proven a good ally and even a friend to him and most of his team. But even then Hunter was aware that his concern and care for her had begun to run deeper.

Problematic of course, but this was one problem he didn't mind.

As they reached the crest of the hill, Wrecker peeled off and dashed into the trees. Hunter ordered Crosshair on recon and sent Tech to follow him for extra protection, leaving him alone with Shadow.

The woman climbed up onto a large boulder and gazed out across the valley below her, tail slowly swishing side to side. Climbing up as well and standing beside her, Hunter prepared to speak but Shadow beat him to it.

"You didn't tell Crosshair to tell me thank you, did you?"

Hunter stared at her in surprise. "What?"

Shadow didn't turn her gaze from the valley. "Crosshair. Told me thanks for draggin' him out of the stream."

He did? Tech must have made him feel guilty enough... but wait, she thinks I told him to say thank you?

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