Ch. 15 In For A Ride

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Before karate, I was on my school equestrian team (English saddle for any who care to know) for four years. Before that I occasionally rode off and on from when I was about two 1/2 in the western saddle, but I didn't really show. Anyways, I am and will always be an Equestrian. I adore horses and they honestly have the biggest personalities it isn't even funny. No, it is. I actually taught a horse to shake its hoof like a dog shakes its paw, the only issue is he learned he could do this to get things he wanted. So he tried to cheat the system. No Suds, that's illegal.
I've done soccer, swim team, equestrian, and karate. Equestrian was easily the most challenging yet rewarding. Certainly toughened you up.

Really hope you enjoy the chapter! :D
Someone on a discord chat more or less (in front of the entire server) called me childish because I dare to think of Crosshair as a three dimensional character with deeper motives. They didn't call my name specifically, but considering I'm one of the only people who call him Twiggs McGee (in fact I gave him that name), its a safe bet that was a shot at me.
The next two chapters shall have a lot of Twiggy! Especially the next one! :D
Because we stan Twiggs in this house.



"Uh... Ice?"

"Yeah?" I chirped, trotting down the trail with the Bad Batch jogging behind me.

Hunter, closest to me, cleared his throat as he pushed a pine bough out of his way. "Care to fill us in on this idea of yours?"

I flashed him a grin full of teeth. "You'll see!"

"Don't like that look," he muttered.

I rolled my eyes as I hopped over a log. "I can't be worse than Wrecker's maniacal grin."

"Aw, c'mon, Squeaky!" the demolition expert laughed. "I know you love my grins!"

Facts right there, Scruffy.

Ignoring Wrecker, Hunter retorted, "His grin is usually followed by mass destruction or me getting thrown."

"Oh, quit yer belly achin', Sarge," I said, rolling my eyes. "Where's that hundred percent success rate spirit at?"

"Cautiously suspended until I know what scheme you have planned."

"Scheme, huh? Well, Shaggy." I grinned as I saw the outer fencing of a pasture. "You're definitely in for a ride."

Hunter's voice turned sharp. "Ice, you better not be suggesting we hijack some animals and ride them."

Boo, you're no fun. "Fine, your ass can walk in the rain," I snorted, hopping the fence.

"Unless these creatures are very powerful, Wrecker will need to walk anyways," Tech said, provoking an offended "Hey!" from the tall man.

"It's Hillguides," I said. "Those big things in the barn. They can carry Wrecker. If not I got a solution for that too."

But I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that.

"Whatcha got in mind, Squeaky?" Wrecker called.

Oh nothing, just shifting and carrying you myself... "I'll tell you if and when my plan falls through."

"You do have a backup plan, then," Hunter said.

"My main plan is barely a vague amalgamation of one anyways, so I'm open to any suggestions should this go pear-shaped," I said over my shoulder, moving faster without the undergrowth hindering my progress.

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