Ch. 19 Part 2 Thievery and Tomfoolery

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Dont touch my food

Content Warning From Part 1 Applies


Smiling, I watched him leave before heading to heat up the venison steak. I was starving , I realized, having had almost zero food after retrieving a half drowned branch, learning a sentient tank had a crush on me, trekking up one mountain, trekking down the other side, riding nearly full speed across a field, dealing with a semi-repenant branch, going fishing, dealing with a skunk sprayed nerd, then finally learning that a certain Sergeant Shaggy McStabby had a crush on me.

How did you literally forget lunch? How ? I mean you had some strawberries but that ain't enough!

I impatiently watched the damn chunk of meat slowly rotate, mocking me as the timer seemed to drag on forever. Finally , after what had to be millenia, the timer beeped. Ripping the steak from the microwave and sitting at the counter barstool, I nearly forwent utensils and just devoured it like a feral alley cat before stopping myself. No, if I ate too quickly bad things would befall me and that was less than desirable. But it was an agonizingly slow process of cutting it up.

"Whatcha got there, Squeak?" Wrecker asked, reaching for my plate.

A fierce snarl erupted from my throat as I guarded my dinner, pointing the knife at him.

Wrecker quickly snatched his hand back to his chest as Tech sent a startled glance my way and Crosshair stared at me like I'd gone rabid.

Hunter's yell echoed down the hall. "What in the galaxy was that ?!"

"I uh... tried to touch Squeak's food!" Wrecker said, tucking his hand closer to his chest.

"Never touch a martial artist's vittles!" I retorted with a territorial hiss.

"Guess not," Crosshair remarked dryly, getting up and heading to the table. When I shot a warning look his way, he rolled his eyes. "Not after yours."

Only when I saw him grab a fish and head back to the couch to eat it did I relax, although I kept an eye on the tank behind me.

"So, Squeaky," Wrecker ventured, careful to stay away from my food. "Where were you and the Sarge?"

My mood immediately went from hostile to sheepish. "Well, Wrecker... guess my crack-headed and erratic shenanigans has somehow gotten two of you to fall for me," I said, focusing on my steak.

The hearty slap on my back nearly sent me into the counter in front of me.

"Congrats, Squeaky!" he laughed. "You won over the Sarge!"

"Finally, di'kut admitted it," Crosshair muttered, putting seasoning of some sort on his fish.

"You knew?" I asked, tail flicking back and forth.

"I'm the opposite of blind," came the dry remark.

"He also was not particularly subtle about it," Tech remarked, heading to tinker with his helmet.

"So, what'd he say? How'd you react?" Wrecker asked, leaning on the counter with a large grin on his face.

Closely guarding my plate, I wagged a finger at him. "That's nonya."

"What's nonya?"

"Nonya bis'nes," I smirked.

His grin turned downright sinister as he coiled like a cobra, ready to lunge forward and presumably get me in some sort of headlock. "Ol' Wreck is great at gettin' info outta people."

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