Ch. 21 Boundary Breaker

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Ah yes. A duel meaning title!

Another fluffy af chapter with some spice peppered in because who I am as a writer. That is all I shall say.

Also, this will be the last chapter until March. I planned to keep on going but
A) The next chapter is a great cut point for a break
B ) It's the end of the month so I'm not breaking in the middle of one
C ) If I keep going I WILL crash and crash hard
D ) I want to draft some for the To the Far Reaches/ Fallen Not Forgotten
E ) I need to get back into writing to write, not writing to post

With this chapter, OtRaTtW will be 67527 words
The REVISED OtaGS was only 65,586 :' D
March, April, May, June, and the first week of July was how long it took for OtaGS
Back half of July, September, October, Nov, Dec, and the first two weeks in Jan was OtRaTtW up until Ch 22

I need a break dgkajdsbkjwdh

Hopefully though when I come back I can have a nice schedule of Friday uploads. In the mean time, I'll be occasionally posting things and such on ShadowsStoryStuff tumblr, although I will probably be taking a small break from tumblr too. Nevertheless, come say hi if you'd like!

I also have a tumblr RP account where you can ask Shadow questions about the boys/life on the Marauder/mission/ect! It's Shadow-Stalker99!

With that, onto the chapter!

Content Warning: Sexual references (more intense than usual)


Hunter paced outside, growing more impatient by the minute. What was taking Tech so karking long?! What could he possibly be doing?

He swore at least thirty minutes had passed before the barn door finally opened and Tech walked out with his armor on.

Catching Hunter's eye, he frowned. "What? I hurried like you so adamantly insisted."

"Don't sass me," Hunter growled.

"Sass? I merely stated a fact. Three minutes and thirty five seconds was all it took."

What? No, had to be longer.

"You're awake, right?"

"Clearly," Tech retorted, crossing his arms. "Or I would not be talking to you. Also, what offer was Shadow referring to?"

"None of your business," Hunter barked.

"I rather think it is. Your decisions affect us all," Tech countered. "What did she propose to you?"

When you say it like that it sounds bad! "She... said she wouldn't mind me sleeping beside her."

Tech blinked. "Oh. That's all?"

"All? Tech I have a crush on this woman and it's reciprocated."

"Yes. And? She is just asking if you want to sleep beside her. She said she doesn't view it sexually. I personally would recommend it. She's warm and smells nice, and sleeping next to a person is good for building trust."

Go on, rub it in that you've cuddled her and I haven't! "How did you get her permission to cuddle her as you slept?" he demanded.

"I merely asked if I could and she said yes." Tech pondered for a moment. "She is quite bizarre."

That she was. But she was his bizarre little mountain guide. That made all the difference.

At least... she was mostly his. Wrecker shared a crush and after seeing Tech and her curled up with each other...

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