Ch. 56 Welcome to the Team

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WHO'S READY FOR THE HOME STRETCH? Yep, we're more or less in the final act of this story! Feels kinda odd to say lol.

Well, enjoy!

CW: Morning Horny, Alphian Female Anatomy Mention, Strong Language, Mild Sexual Themes/References








On my chest and... thigh?

That was... new.

And why did the pillow behind my head move as if it were... breathing?

When I shifted to stretch, two pairs of arms wrapped around me. One around my waist, one around my... leg?

Ok. What in the blue heck was happenin' here?

Opening one eye, I discovered the culprits; two commandos. One lean with grey hair shaved underneath and one muscular with dark shoulder-length hair.

Crosshair and Hunter.

Memories trickled through my mind.

Occasionally being woken up, rotating watch changes, body heat on all sides, flashes of pain through my leg, and, of course, lots of snuggling. Lots of that. There was never a point where less than two commandos stayed curled around me. The finer details remained a fuzzy mess.

That's fine. I'm perfectly happy right now.

Wrecker's stomach served as my pillow while Crosshair rested his head on my chest and Hunter claimed my thigh, arms tight around my leg. Honestly, he probably had the better deal given I was flatter than Kansas thanks to Alphian DNA restricting growth in that region until they reached my 60s.

But hey, it helped me retain androgyny so I was happy.

Seeing the commandos wrapped tightly around me, making sure I didn't leave without them knowing, sent warmth through me in addition to the body heat radiating from all sides.

"Welcome to the team, Shadow."

A smile spread across my face as Hunter's words echoed through my head.

Tech's smile.

Wrecker's cheers.

Crosshair's tight embrace that followed.

Burrowing down farther into the pile, I looked at my sniper. Of all the men, he fell asleep in the most possessive way; an arm around my shoulder and another around my waist. Still asleep, he nevertheless gave a small murmur and wriggled closer when I put my arm around him, a faint smile ghosting his lips.

Oh, what I wouldn't do for a camera. That little smile could cure my depression. For all his aggression and snark, he was so cute when he slept.

Tech was nowhere to be seen, however, and his absence made my tail twitch.

How was his arm doing? Was he alright? Wasn't he tired? He only had two sleeping shifts throughout the night.

I should look for him.

The three commandos around me were less than happy with my plan, however. Hunter and Crosshair held on tighter as Wrecker's arm wrapped around my waist, drawing me further into the makeshift sleeping nest.

Hunter, watch that hand.

"Guys." I wiggled. "Can you let me up?"

Two mutters, but nothing I could recognize as words. Wrecker just snored.

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