Ch. 37: Share! The Sequel

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So this chap and the last chap were originally the same but it got hella long so I broke it in half lol

Had some Wrecker flirting, had some Hunter flirting, but now? Crosshair time.
No I'm not ignoring Tech, my attraction to him is just very unpredictable at best and I can only write shipping scenes when in a shipping mood. So... sorry nerd.

What sparring scene is complete without thinly veiled tension?
Still cackling that this is all I really use my black belt for nowadays. Worth it pfft.

Also, this will be the last "chill" chapter for a while. After this... well all I gotta say is BUCKLE UP. It's about to get interesting. And not in a smutty way.

Warnings: Language, sexual content, territorial commandos


"How kind of you to grace us with your presence again."

"You really got a knack for sarcasm, huh, Twiggy?" I snorted as Hunter and I arrived at the shelter.

"One to talk, Furball," he retorted around the toothpick, yet a subtle smirk tugged the corner of his lips. He'd removed his armor, as had Tech, the pieces lying inside the lower level of the shelter.

"And that's all that happened. We just talked," Hunter growled at his sniper.

"A talk?" Crosshair's eyes narrowed as he looked me over. "There are leaves in her hair," he muttered, plucking a few out. "What kind of talk results in this?

Don't you dare go red just because Twiggy had his hand close to your face .

"Ok, there was just some mild sparrin'," I countered, forcing my ears to stay still. "You know how I am."

"Right," Crosshair drawled, rolling his eyes.

Someone ain't fooled .

"Sparrin'?!" Wrecker exclaimed, coming up behind Crosshair. "Can ya show us moves again? This time Cross can see what you can do!"

I shrugged. "I mean, I'm down!"

Minutes later, we had all migrated to an open area in front of the trail shelter. Hunter had claimed a fork in a large oak with Crosshair sitting on the branch above him. Tech and Wrecker opted for a fallen log, leaving me without a partner.

"Yo, who's gettin' tossed around?"

Wrecker gestured above his head. "You should use Crosshair for the moves!"

I twitched my ears and looked up at the sniper. "Care to be a test dummy, Cross?"

Flicking his toothpick away, the man jumped down and stepped in front of me without another word.

That fast ? I mean I won't complain but... odd. "Ok Wrecker wants to see a takedown if you're cool with that."

He brought his fists up with a nod. "Just tell me where to strike."

"So eager to attack, ya just sewed me up!" I teased.

A sarcastic smile. "Ha ha. Funny."

"Nice laugh, Twiggy. It's a thrust kick to my stomach and I'm gonna do a takedown. Don't worry, I will not drop you hard."

"Better not."

"Ready... kick!"

Quickly stepping forward and catching his leg with the bend of my left arm, I locked him in and grabbed the front of his blacks with my right hand. "Brace," was the only warning I gave before using my other leg to sweep his plant foot out from under him.

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