Ch. 22 What A Wakeup Call

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I'll keep this brief and rather than ramble I'll just direct you here for future update information!


Warnings: Morning horniness, sexual references, kink mention
(Maybe one day I'll actually have a sexual segment rather than just talking about it all the time)



I had to be in a cabin.

Comfy bed, warm heavy quilts, and bird song from somewhere out the window. It was also too light for my room with my blackout curtains.

And it certainly smelled like a cabin.

That after-rain musk that only the woods could supply, the wonderful scent of pine sap, slight coffee from the vents, and lingering woodsmoke from long gone fires.

But there was something I was not used to.

The unmistakable smell of a man.

Was there a guy nearby? Why was there a guy nearby?

I definitely wasn't on the ship. Couldn't be. The ship didn't smell like this. It smelled like oil, diesel, and slight mildew. Plus salt and metal. I'd picked that up even though I'd not been an Alphian in that fandom jump.

So what was with the smell of a dude?

Eh, if there was a dude nearby, they weren't bothering me so I couldn't care less. If he poked me we'd have issues, but for now... I was more concerned as to why the hell my pillow felt weird and lumpy. It was super narrow too, at least compared to a normal pillow. And warm?

It also... moved?

I grumbled and wiggled against the other very warm pillow at my back. Wait... that one was warm and lumpy too.

And I swore the smell of man was coming mainly from the pillows.

What in tarnation?

I mean it was a pretty damn good smell, so I wasn't complaining, but where was it coming from? Why the pillow? Did I borrow the pillow from a dude?

My head pillow shifted, trying to escape, so I did the natural thing.

I grabbed it with my teeth and growled, "No."

A sharp inhalation of breath was the response as the pillow tensed.

I realized, rather quickly, that my pillow was not an actual pillow. It was a delightful pillow, granted, but not a real one made of cloth and fluffy stuffing. No, warm skin and hard muscle flexed beneath my teeth.

Someone's arm...

Hunter's arm.

The events from the night previous washed over me.

Tech cuddling up to me. Hunter waking us up. Tech leaving. Hunter coming back. Teasing. Wrestling. The night ending with me cuddled up on his chest.

I was in bed with the sergeant of the Bad Batch.

Oh. That explains a lot.

Hunter shifted, chest pressing against me as he reached around and tugged my jaw. "C'mon," he mumbled, clearly half asleep as his voice rumbled through my back. "Le'go my arm, sharp toothed tooka."

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