Ch. 11 ~Mistakes~

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And since I have every single project coming down on me at once it seems, it may be the last chapter for a week or two. But hey! Three chapters in four days ain't half bad! :D This chapter is roughly 3300+ words and was written in two days so somebody did another manifesting ritual or something!

I jump around a LOT in this one, going from Tech to Wrecker to Crosshair. There's a pretty... important event in this chapter, one I actually planned to save for later but this story really does write itself sometimes. But it's nothing y'all didn't already know :D

Also! Been VERY active on tumblr lately. There's an art piece of Shadow doing some Earth elemental stuff with hot rock soup, there's a snippet of my tintin story I CONSTANTLY reference but never actually post anything one, AND I'm doing something where you send me a Shadow voice line and I will read it! I have two videos up currently, one dealing with Crosshair insults and the other of lines after I kick Crosshair back into the water! Any Shadow line from any chapter is accepted, whether I be talking to Crosshair, Wrecker, Hunter, Trevor, ect! Send me some lines!

Also, if you enjoyed, consider giving the chapter a vote or leaving a comment! :D

Content Warnings:
Talk of ghosting, abandonment issues, and a WHOLE bunch of self-doubt/personalization.


"What did you say to Shadow?"

Tech couldn't help but feel aggravated at his brother. Shadow had been crying. Not only that, the aggression she'd displayed was so unusual Tech could hardly believe that was the same Shadow who'd stayed up last night to talk with him. Sure, after learning she'd lived with sailors he figured she had a rough streak in her, but to get that mean?

"Doesn't matter," Crosshair grumbled, not meeting Tech's gaze. "She'll get over it, she's tough."

After his near drowning, he'd been pretty quiet. Tech figured he was deep in his own thoughts, but what exactly he was thinking about was a mystery to Tech.

Tech hoped he at least was giving some thought to whatever he'd said to Shadow. "Crosshair, there were tears in her eyes," Tech stressed. "What could you possibly have said to her that hurt her so badly?"

Crosshair looked up in surprise. "Cryin'? Shadow does not cry. That was just water from the creek."

"No, her eyes were red which is indicative of crying," Tech retorted. "She also nearly punched a hole in my head. Given her previous non-violent demeanor towards us, a switch as drastic as that suggests a major fracture in her normal thinking pattern. So, what did you say?"

Crosshair glared at the ground and mumbled something under his breath.


He mumbled again, somewhat louder, but still too quiet for Tech to make out.

Tech groaned and leaned closer. "What did you say to-?"

"I told her I didn't need her and never would! Alright?" Crosshair spat, glaring at Tech. "Then she overreacted."

No wonder she'd been so hurt! That look of pain behind a thin veil of rage remained fresh in his mind, but Tech couldn't imagine what could cause the usually laid back Shadow to become so volatile. But now that intense emotion in her eyes made sense.

"Overreacted?" Tech demanded. "She saved your life and you tell her that?"

"She was actin' like I owed her somethin'!" Crosshair shot back.

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