Ch. 16 Part 1 First They're Sour

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This chapter ended up so MASSIVE (5370 words and 18 google doc pages) that I had to break it up into two sections! 

Don't worry, they're both getting posted today! Merry early Christmas! It may be longer than a week for the next update, mainly because this chapter tired me out and I'll be in the hills for about a week with limited Wifi access. 

First up is through my eyes. Cracked open my soul a bit but sometimes you gotta show vulnerability to get through to someone. 

Crosshair is a tricky character, but I write him being so abrasive out of necessity and insecurity. His very survival required a harsh and cold outlook or he risked being cast off for being weak. I'm not to that extent, but I can relate to constantly acting tough so people don't take advantage of your softer side. Call me "edgy" but if you were bullied when you were younger you'll recognize the "rough front as a line of defense" type persona. Cross can be an ass, but I prefer to write an underlying reason rather than just "he edgy". Like I say in this chapter, he's not a machine. He's human. 

Hope you enjoy the next two chapters! Any feedback is most welcome, and be sure to vote if you enjoy! Also, "only one bed" trope anyone?

Content Warning: Past emotional trauma


 Yeah... definitely gonna be walking like a cowboy , I thought as we finally came to a stop at the homestead fence. Patting Whispering Wind's neck, I said, "Thanks for the lift! Wouldn't have made it in near the time. I'll see if I can't negotiate some extra feed for y'all as payment."

" Apples are always good ," the stallion joked, kneeling down to let me slip from his back.

"I'll let Sarah know," I chuckled as the Bad Batch also dismounted.

"Ouch! How do you do that for fun, Squeak?" Wrecker groaned, hand going to the inside of his thigh where his muscles were no doubt sore.

"C'mon, Scruff! That was only twenty minutes. Some trail rides could last two hours," I teased, nudging the demolition expert.

"Aren't you sore?"

"Not yet. I will be in a few or later tonight," I laughed as I left the herd behind and hopped the fence. "I did that as a sport for four years, that's why my kicks were so strong even before karate and how I bruised my ex's ribs when I first met him. Asked me to roundhouse kick him, so I did!"

"It certainly would strengthen various muscles such as the abdominals, piriformis, psoas, quadratus lumborum, transverse abdominis, and the iliacus," Tech remarked, slipping off Wayward Hunter's back and jogging over.

How do they have latin names in this galaxy?

I nodded at the engineer. "Aye, definitely builds muscle like you wouldn't believe."

Hunter grunted as he jumped over the fence as well and stretched before coming to my side. "Alright, Ice." He pulled his helmet off, hair spilling out. Small strands stuck to his forehead from sweat and he brushed them away. "This is the trail shelter for tonight?"

"Aye," I said before raising my voice. "Sarah! You around?"

"That Shadow I hear?" a voice called from the other side of a shed before an older woman with dark weathered skin appeared around the corner. Dressed in dirt stained jeans and an older T-shirt frayed at the hems, there was no mistaking that this was the farm owner. "It is! Shadow, good to see- you have friends."

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