Ch. 35 Let's Play

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Hello hello! I'm back! With a... bit of a spicy chapter ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well, the first half isn't. It's just some nice enemies>friends>lovers with CrossxShadow. It's the later half that definitely gets into smutty territory with WreckerxShadow, so heads up! I love that big guy in every way.

The next chapter will also have some frisky moments! Nothing too intense still, but ya know! I'm only 75% done with the first base draft and it's already at 5400+ so... oh dear.

ALSO! Want sneak peaks of future chapters? Want to scream at me when I add angst? Good! I got a discord server just for my stories! There's a link on my tumblr (ShadowsStoryStuff) profile masterlist!

Thanks for the comments, even if I cant respond lately!

Warnings: Mild-self deprecation, emotional pining, sexual content, kink mentions, shirtless scenes.



Shadow thought they were friends!

Barely containing his smile as he walked back alongside her, their arms occasionally brushing, Crosshair wasn't sure when he last felt this light.

This... happy.

Yes, Crosshair felt happy.

He knew it was a good idea to talk with Shadow alone again.

Even if it started off rocky, they made progress.

He made progress.

And Shadow knew it. She knew he was trying. Knew it wasn't easy, but as long as he tried... she would never turn him away.

She praised his efforts, no matter how small. Rewarded them with even more encouragement and openness, compelling him to try again.

Try harder.

Try more.

This was why the others always wanted to get her praise.

It felt...


Being with Shadow felt good.

He could admit it now.

Now that they were friends.

Friends... such a simple word yet the weight of it...

Crosshair didn't have many, if any, friends outside of his squad.

Knowing someone else truly cared about his wellbeing...

He couldn't keep the smile from his face anymore.

"Ya know somethin', Charlie?" Shadow began, startling him.

"What?" The question came out far harsher than he meant, but Shadow, thankfully, didn't seem perturbed.

"Was just gonna say, you got a nice smile."

Sithspit she saw it!

Yet a glance at the woman revealed a soft smile of her own, absolving any worry about her words bearing malice.

No, it was... a genuine compliment.

Was this what being her friend unlocked? More kindness and steady reassurance?

He liked it.

But Crosshair tried to mask how deeply the words touched him by shoving her. "Don't go soft on me now that we're on good terms, furball."

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