Ch. 27 Light 'em Up

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Another chapter! Boy was this a fun one. We all over the place. Teasing, kink jokes, Crosshair having a crisis, Hunter done with everyone and everything, my hair turning purple because magic and I got my hair dyed, Tech inquisitive af, and Wrecker just wants to hold hands.
Then throw in a sprinkle of Skyrim and a dash of cliffhanging.
Essentially AoaI in a nutshell.

Poor Cross and Shadow. Co-juggling chainsaws on a tightrope above an abyss. When will our two intrepid heroes realize their true feelings and get together?
Not for a while because Slowburn.

Content Warnings!
BDSM reference, kink reference, language, self hate, hints to Horny Hunter and Horny Shadow because I've tired of tip-toeing around the issue.


Well ain't this just the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day...

Harsh breaths filled the air, nearly drowning out the birdsong and distant screech of Clickers who were rather unhappy about losing their lunch. The gentle gurgle of a nearby stream mocked me as I stared up at the vibrant and lush canopy. Wrecker's plastoid gauntlet dug into my back, yet I couldn't muster the energy to roll off.

Besides, a certain sergeant's skull-painted helmet weighted my stomach down and his backpack more or less pinned my tail to the earth.

Hand falling to rest on his helmet, I groaned, "That coulda gone better."

"You think?" Crosshair groaned, kicking my foot off and slowly sitting up. Pulling off his helmet, sweat dripping down his face and his grey hair in all different directions, he began to fiddle with his viewfinder. Hopefully the log roll hadn't broken it.

"Watch your altitude with me, Twiggy," I grumbled.

"Don't you mean 'attitude'?" he asked, squinting at me.

My head thumped back against the leaf strewn ground. "I do not." I rolled my head to the side where Tech laid on his stomach across a splintered section of bark. "Techie?"

"I'm fine," he grunted, rolling to his side. "Ugh, cut my blacks..."

"Better than your skin," I chuckled breathlessly, then winced as a dull ache raced through my body. "Oof, better not do that." I lightly kicked Wrecker's armored leg. "Scruffy?"

"Present," he groaned, the low response resonating within my chest.

I lightly drummed my fingers on Hunter's helmet. "Shaggy?"

"Awake," he replied in a hoarse tone, reaching up and gripping my hand.

I squeezed then shoved him. "You're on my tail. Scoot your armored ass off."

Unintelligible grumbling met my ears as Hunter shuffled off. "Any danger?"

"Think we're good for the time being."

"Excellent." He rolled over and laid face down.

I patted his back with my tail and shifted myself off Wrecker's gauntlet to lean against his side. His hand followed me and I grasped it in mine. His thumb brushed across the back.

Goodness, his hands were big. And strong.

Could he crush a rock like a chip?

Must have hit my head...

"How 'bout you, Squeaky?" Wrecker asked, concerned. "You ok?"

"Been better, but that's the consensus group-wide."

"Affirmative," Tech replied, sitting cross-legged as he checked the tear in his blacks between his shoulder pad and bicep cuff.

"What the hell was that barrier about?" Hunter grumbled, pushing himself up and sitting back on his heels.

Over the River and Through the Woods (Adventures!AU Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now