Ch 39 Realm Reveal

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This chapter man. You know, originally, back over a year ago when OtRaTtW was a seven chapter draft (don't know what happened), THIS was the chapter where I revealed myself to not be human. This was the first instance of Alphian power being displayed. Funny how drafts can change.

But this post date is special! It's exactly one year after I finished Off to a Great Start, or the first time I finished a full-length book in five or so years!
But today is also special because I join the ranks of full adults! Yep, 21st birthday lets GOOOOOO!

Hope you enjoy the chapter! :D
May be a bit for the next one, but this one doesn't end on a cliffhanger at least! Well kinda does but ya know :D

Brief graphic nightmare description, angst via past character death (RIP 99), mild existential crisis, soft Cross (canon is dead to me)



Run run run.

Ignore the rocks and branches and roots that try to grab me, hold me back, pull me down.

Ignore the yells echoing through the trees behind me.

Ignore the tears streaming down my face.

What had I done?

What had I done?

I didn't mean it!

I'm sorry, Crosshair!

I'm sorry!



Hunter. Tech.

On my tail.

Chasing me down.

Coming after me for hurting their brother.

Gotta run.

Gotta hide.

Water. I had to find water.

Hunter surely couldn't track me through that.

The waterfall. The stream above.

Find it.

It was my only hope.


A hope that was rapidly dwindling.

Racing towards the stream, I hissed as the icy water sent bolts of shot racing up my legs. Ok, so the thermal vents didn't extend this far up.

Rat piss.

Making my way upstream, I listened hard for pursuing footsteps over the rushing water swirling around my ankles.

Hunter's yell reached my ears. "Shadow! Ice, where are you?"

Shit, he was close.


Damn you, Tech!

Turning to see them racing through the woods towards me, I flattened my ears and took up a defensive stance. "It was an accident!" I yelled, eyes wild. "I didn't mean to hurt him!"

Hunter stopped a few meters from me, holding out his arm to halt Tech. "I know you didn't mean it," he assured me. "It's alright." He slowly stepped closer, hands up. "Not mad."

Over the River and Through the Woods (Adventures!AU Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now