Ch 60 Aftermath: The Good Ending (?)

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Seems this battle aftermath went significantly better than chapter 43! Emotions and such flying about all over the place! All around good times!

Well... mostly :)
Remember the last line of Ch 5: Emotions are Pesky? Now it comes back to haunt us.

CW: Sexual themes, horny sniper, residual issues from Trust Shattered


It was a risk.

A big risk to kiss Shadow.

The possible rejection would have stung worse than a blaster bolt, tearing down his confidence once again.

But he couldn't wait any longer. Couldn't take it. It'd been driving him mad for far too long.

As early as the karkin' strawberry patch, his eyes had begun to linger on their lips, the urge hardly more than a distant and outlandish fantasy. Nothing more than some wild idea born from a strange combination of heightened emotions around the Realm Walker and ironic care for them. But it'd only grown stronger as the days progressed, blooming into an undeniable urge in the crater and reaching an almost maddening desire yesterday morning.

And last night...

It was only because his confidence was low and he knew that a hug would mean so much more that he went for an embrace instead.

But now?

With Shadow affectionate towards him again?

With his spirits high and blood still hot from battle?

With the others a fair distance away still, leaving him and Shadow alone for at least the time being?

He couldn't take it.

He wanted it.

Craved it.

Needed it.

Needed to know what it felt like. What Shadow felt like. Tasted like, even.

Well, he got his answer.


That's what this strange mountain guide, now his partner, felt and tasted like.

A white-hot surge of what he could only call hunger gripped him with all the might of a supernova. More. He needed more. He was a drowning man and Shadow was a breath of fresh air. Blood roaring in his ears, his helmet slipped from his grasp as he pulled Shadow in closer.

The Alphian grunted in surprise, but didn't pull away.


Pressing against his front, they raised on their toes to deepen the kiss.

They were...


The revelation quickened his pulse and sent blood rushing downward. One hand slipped down to softly curl around their throat as the other slipped up and brushed just under the edge of their shirt.

Oh how he wished his gloves were off.

His mind began to wander and he gladly let it. Let his thoughts spiral off into uncountable scenarios, each more heated than the last.

Scenarios in which his hands were free to explore, unbridled by the need to maintain composure in front of others.

Scenarios that, apparently, bleed through his body chemistry. Something he quickly realized as Shadow moved closer, tail around his wrist as one hand gripped his arm and the other grabbed his belt.

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