Ch. 4 ~Grow on You~

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Two days since the last update and I'm back already?
Well yes, but actually no.

I start college back tomorrow and since I'll have to completely relearn how to pace myself learn how to do virtual classes plus manage work loads and everything else, I'll have to take a break from writing Adventures of an Idiot until I get a good rhythm with school.
Could be a week, could be two, could be three!
I'm really not sure.
I'm no fool. I know I'll probably lose readers over the hiatus but it do be like that.
Thanks for sticking with me this long!
Ooof that sounds like a goodbye, ew.

I wanted to at least post this chapter before I left so I don't get caught up and don't have time to post it. So you get rougher quality than usual.

Content Warning: Talk of anxiety, ghosting, and emotional baggage because writing is my therapy so y'all learning way more about me than you EVER cared to.


The more Hunter talked to that woman, the more confused he became. How could she know 99? Even more, she seemed to know him well. How ? Hunter himself had only met 99 a few times, and that was because of Tech. The two had been quite close, and the maintenance clone's death hit Tech the hardest out of them all. It was also Tech who preferred to refer to themselves as Clone Force 99, while Hunter, Crosshair, and Wrecker preferred "Bad Batch".

Did she visit Kamino once? No, she couldn't have. Hunter felt certain that if she had... they would have heard about a wild half-animal, half-human woman slaughtering longnecks. She clearly did not like them any more than Hunter or the rest of his team, and he certainly did not put it past her to murder them on sight.

While she was quite... volatile when woken up, Hunter enjoyed her playfully sarcastic personality and dry witty humor. A welcome change from Wrecker's explosive enthusiasm, Crosshair's downright cynicism, and Tech's taking everything literally. Being around her was like a breath of fresh air after breathing through the helmet's filters all day.

She'd looked... good in his helmet. The Sergeant was glad he let her try it on, especially since she got a jab in at Crosshair. It was funny seeing her best the sniper again and again, although Hunter could have done without the incident earlier.

They didn't hate each other. That was perhaps what shocked Hunter the most about how Shadow dealt with Crosshair. She didn't hate him.

Most strangers would immediately be rubbed the wrong way by Crosshair and try to cut him with a knife or cruel words. But there was a difference in the way Shadow went after him. They weren't fighting . They were sparring with words.

Crosshair could deny it all he wanted, but Hunter knew he respected her. Grudgingly perhaps, but it was still there. Respect was a start, a step towards...

Towards what?


Maybe. They were quite alike. In more ways than one. Maybe with a little nudging they'd come to tolerate each other's presence.

They'll grow on each other eventually, given how often they'll be around one another .

He started to follow her, intent on seeing which gun was which, but Trevor stopped him with a hand blocking his path. "Woah, Sergeant. She's comin' right back."

"I understand that," he grumbled, pushing the Halfblood's hand away. Trevor, not counting his almost crazy personality, unnerved Hunter. He was definitely more dangerous than he looked and acted. That was not even taking into account his lightning powers. Something about him just set Hunter's instincts off.

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