E l e v e n (گیارہ)

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It's been a week since everything happened and I've been moved to Bashir Mansion now, Khaloo thinks the people who attacked us are still out there so it's not safe at all for me at least in that hospital Alaya and Khala are busy with the preparation of nikah and buying other dresses for me as we lost everything in that blast I cannot believe something like this will happen to me, I always thought if I have my parents no one can even touch me or hurt me in any way but I have lost that shield of mine and now my fears are coming over the surface what if someone kills me too, what if I never found out who is behind all this.

A knock on the door brings me out of my thoughts" Laila?" it was Zain, he has become overprotective towards me now, he brings food every day to my room, and gives me medicines Alaya helps me with bathing and the rest of my chores, Amaan well what should I tell about him I hardly see him but as what Alaya tells he is busy with finding who is behind all this security is been doubled now outside the mansion.
"How are you feeling today?" Zain asks sitting beside me with a tray full of food.
"Okay I guess," I tell him forcing a smile, I don't want them to see how broke I am now, I thought too much and came to a conclusion bottling up my emotions would be the best decision for me I cannot have everyone constantly worrying about me.

"Always remember this Laila, no matter what I'm always here whenever you want to talk to me," he says bringing a spoonful of soup near my mouth.
"How is college, how is everything with Miraal?" I ask ignoring what he said.
"Ignoring it won't help you heal Laila," he says sternly feeding me more soup, after giving me medicines he left the nikah is going to happen today in the evening, and Alaya's nikah is the day after tomorrow.

I never thought my life would change so quickly and I will not even have a chance to act or handle myself just then I was hit with the news of getting married to someone who I don't know a single thing about, all my hopes and dreams died in that blast everything I held dear died burned in that fire and I couldn't do anything about it.

Helpless and Angry is what I feel.

Everything is taken away from me but there was one thing that I thought wouldn't be taken away from me but Abba Jaan took that too, my freedom which he knew very well was important for me. No one had the right to bind my relationship with someone who is just a mere stranger to me, and now I have to spend my whole life with him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts again because of the knock on the door it was Alaya this time" hey Princess" she says entering inside with a large box in her hand.
"What's in that box?" I ask her shifting a little in the bed.
She looks at me hesitantly before speaking up" uh um it's your dress for nikah" she says keeping it on the edge of the bed I get stiffen at the mention of nikah I can not believe it is happening I have to move into Amaan's room and have to sleep in the same bed as him, have to do all the duties of a wife.

(Nikah -Wedding)

"What is bothering you, Laila?" She asks.
"Everything as a matter of fact" I mutter looking out the window, she sits taking the stool near my bed.
"I know none of us saw this coming or was ready for it but now that it has happened all we can do is accept it and try to move on because it will only hurt us if we reliving what has happened because doesn't matter how much we all want Khaloo, Khala and Danish Bhai Jaan isn't coming back" she states the harsh truth which deep down I'm aware they are never coming back but I cannot help it, they were my parents, not some strangers.

Warm tears streams down my cheek "Laila remember this you are not alone in this, we all are with you especially you will have Amaan Bhai beside you standing and protecting you" she says keeping her hand on mine.
"I don't need protection Alaya" I reply jerking my hand away they still think of me as some sort of fragile doll who will break.
"Trust me you do Laila, not now but you will in the future," she says giving me a tight-lipped smile.

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