N i n e t e e n (انیس)

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I was sitting with Amaan outside the doctor's office we have contacted someone in our contacts about my nightmares probably need therapy because she said the same thing they might be my suppressed memories that are trying to surface back through my nightmares.

"Dr. Sakeena will see you now" her assistant comes out of the cabin, we both got up from our chairs.

"Only the patient sir," she says and leaves. I went inside her cabin there was a woman in her mid-thirties I guess her hair tied up in a bun, head covered with her white dupatta I sat across her.

"Hello, Mrs. Bashir please have a seat" she greets with a content smile on her face.

"So tell me what is it exactly you wanted to know?" She asks.
"I get nightmares, which lacks in my sleep and giving me migraine" I stated.
"Okay, what exactly happens when you get these nightmares?" She asks whilst writing down something.
"I uhh wake up sweating, out of breath" I stuttered, talking like this about my nightmares is a bit weird for me. When I told Amaan about it I felt the same but he took it so well.

"So what exactly do you see in these nightmares?" She asks looking at me intently.
"A woman running with a little girl, which I think is me and there is a man who is running behind us trying to catch us then I always hear a gunshot that woman always dies I guess because that's where I always wake up" I explained the whole nightmare.
"Mhmm..okay so do you know this woman?" She questions, I nodded my head as no.

"And their faces are clear, do you recognize them from somewhere?" She asks.
"No, I have never met anyone like them in my life, and yes their faces are pretty clear almost like a memory," I said fidgeting with the corner of my dupatta.
"Okay, do you feel threatened, anxious when you are in public?" She continues.
"I mean yeah I do, sometimes but uh I hardly get out," I said, the fiasco of my life, was on the tip of my tongue but I don't want to share it with some stranger let it be my doctor.

"Okay, we will start an official session from the next week, slowly we will discuss okay," she says, writing something down again on her notebook. I hummed in response and left her cabin.

"What did she ask?" Amaan asks holding my hand.
"Nothing, just about the nightmares, we will start the session next week," I said looking down at our entangled fingers, which by the way fit perfectly with each other.
"Okay, you feeling alright?" He asks with a concerned look on his face. He cares about me so much and keeps trying to make me feel special, he is an amazing person and I don't regret any moment is spent with him.

I speculated when we got married that how will I survive this marriage or how will he survive this marriage but he is been so terrific and I thank my Allah to give me such a man who is wonderful in all ways.

"Hmm, yes I am come on let's go I'm starving," I said pulling him along with me, hopping in the car we drove off to the Bashir Mansion, by the way, did I mention I love when someone calls me Mrs. Bashir it has a nice ring to it. It's been a week since our return I have stopped walking with crutches though I still walk with a bandage on my leg, I have started going to college also Amaan drops me every day and picks me up. I've never been so happy when he is around smile is always there on my face.

We reached home, we have told everyone about my nightmares, and they told they are here to support me which I'm glad about it means a lot to me everyone is there in my worst because there are not many people in the world who have even a single person in their life to support through better and worse. No one in this house makes me feel the absence of Ammi, Abba Jaan, and Danish Bhai Jaan.

"You go on, I have to take this call," Amaan says taking his phone out of his pocket.
I was near our room when I heard some whispers following them I saw Khaloo and Khala talking on the terrace.

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