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Finally, the day has come which I have been waiting for Abba Jaan is coming back today and the day after tomorrow is Alaya's nikah everything is falling in place I was so happy and jumping since the morning I even woke up early today since it's Sunday I don't have college which means sitting at home enjoying my time, I'm going to write in my diary cause it's been long plus Danish Bhai bought me a new one and I cannot wait to write in it.

Everything around me was good but the weather was gloomy the sky is turning black slowly the clouds were indicating the rain is going to come or maybe a bad storm looking at it gave me a bad gut feeling which I don't want dwell on so I went back to my room Danish Bhai is at party office but he must be coming for lunch Ammi is making everything Abba Jaan likes.

"Ammi what are you doing let me help you?" I said entering the kitchen.
She looks at me astonished because I hardly help her in the kitchen though I know how to cook"are you okay?" She asks.

"You are coming with me" Danish Bhai yells entering the kitchen.
"Why do you need me for?" I ask hopping on the counter.
"We have to pick the watch for Abbu, the dress of Alaya and your plus Ammi wants some veggies for the dinner so you are coming with me," he says grabbing a glass of water.
"Okay fine, but on one condition we are having choco-chip ice cream," I tell him in a warning tone.

I have been jolly all this week because everything is going perfectly, we had our test which went well, and so far there are no threats no one has spoken about me getting married and I'm not even getting any nightmares which is a good sign, maybe from next month, our exams will start.

We reached the boutique picking up the dresses we went to pick up the watch, then later we went to have ice cream, just then my phone starts to ring "Hello?" It was an unknown number.
"Kaisi hai meri Noor-e-Jaan?" It was Abba Jaan.
"How do you think I will be when you are not here?" I reply trying to sound angry at him.
He let out a laugh" I'm coming home soon Noor-e-Jaan then you are going to tell me everything" he says, I share everything with Abba Jaan people say girls are the princess of their fathers I am too, but usually, girls don't share stuff with their father but I do and I'm more close to him.
"Of course please come soon, " I tell and hung up the call because I couldn't find Danish Bhai where did he go.

I look around then saw him talking on the phone his ice cream melting it started to drizzle the sky turned murky damn we didn't even have the umbrella I walked towards him"Bhai let's go it's about to rain"I tell him, he hastily hangs up the phone and we left for home, till the time we reached it started to downpour "don't be out for long Laila" Danish Bhai says, he knows me well, he knows I love rain and would love to sit out in the porch with my diary of course.

I grinned at him quickly running off to my room getting my diary I came out and sat on the swing, my hair flowing in the air as the cool breeze gives me goosebumps this is my tenth diary I guess well who keeps a count of it this is my new friend and its time to introduce myself, I start to write down the words.

Dear Diary,

I'm Laila Ansari a girl who loves to dream, hope believes in magic, fairies, vampires, pirates, and what not I believe everyone should believe in such stuff because it makes your life a bit easier and less complicated. After all, when you live in your imagination like me things become less complicated just like mine.

But yes, you shouldn't turn yourself into an insane person while imagining you should be sane too, believing is different, and getting obsessed with such stuff is insane and we should never look for something which is a myth but it's not bad to believe in it makes life slight interesting knowing even something like this can exist in that same world you live in, I did my research on Vampires I'm not sure if it's true or just a rumor but they have been sighted by people in New Orleans, I would love to visit once if I ever get a chance.

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