26. Free-Elf

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Everybody was safe.

She could hardly believe it. Two times now their group had narrowly escaped death. She felt lucky, she also felt sad. Another year down the drain, another year tainted with evilness instead of happiness, like it ought to be.

Ophelia, Ginny and Ron escorted Lockhart to the hospital wing, and Madam Pomfrey (upon seeing Harry's cuts) insisted he stayed too.

With that; Ophelia, Ron and Ginny made their way to Minnie's office. Upon opening it, they came to the realization they were not alone. Mr and Mrs Weasley sat, looking utterly distraught, and Remus Lupin sat next to them; looking just as beside himself, head in his hands, skin pale, and visibly shaking.

She felt her heart burst when she saw him. It had been months, since August actually, and it was June now. The longest they had ever been apart. She didn't know why she didn't expect him to be here. Of course he would have been informed she was missing; but did any of them really think they'd get out of there alive?

All of the parents rushed towards their children. Mrs Weasley made a mad dash for Ginny, hugging her so tightly Ophelia doubted the poor girl could breathe. 'Oh Ginny, I thought you died! You're safe now, love, safe now.' She murmured.

Mr Weasley on the other hand, went for Ron. He hugged him, and kissed the top of his head. It was clear to anybody, that everybody in this room was just immensely grateful to be alive.

And Remus, well, by now you should all know who he went to.

Ophelia and Remus hugged like they had never done it before. For a long time, tight, while Remus murmured things into her curly black hair,

'Merlin, you gave me a right scare. But you're safe. You're safe. I love you. I love you. I love you. Thank goodness you're okay.'

Ophelia cried into the jumper he wore. She could hardly handle it. She just fell apart, she needed to. She had bottled everything up for months, spent all over her time trying to figure out the mystery, but never spending any time thinking about herself when she ought to have. She thought about Ginger too. How happy she was they would see each other again. And Hermione, by now Hermione should have been okay again, she couldn't wait to see her; to tell her they did it. Or rather, Harry did. Either way, it was a victory. She still didn't know all the details. Harry would fill them all in later, and they would all be praised (specifically by Mrs Weasley) for saving Ginny; when really, all the credit ought to have gone to Harry alone.

'You gotta stop doing this to me, kid.' Remus laughed weakly as they pulled apart eventually.

'I'll try.' She grinned, as she sniffled and wiped her tears.

They all sat down again, Remus sitting extra close to Ophelia; as if getting even a foot away from her she might slip away.

Ophelia and Ron explained as much as they could. They didn't even bother to hide the parts where they broke the rules, because honestly, being expelled was the last thing on their minds; they were just happy they were all okay. They explained Aragog, and the Polyjuice Potion, the basilisk paper Hermione had left them, and how they discovered it was Myrtle who they needed to get answers from.

'Merlin, we owe a lot to Harry, don't we?' Mr Weasley smiled.

Ophelia nodded and smiled. Ron piped up though,

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