58. The Dementor's Kiss

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June 6th, 1994
8:24 pm

Snape strode in, wand raised defensivley as he edged farther into the room -- eyes darting between each person, before finally landing on Sirius.

'Oh how I hoped to be the one to catch you.' Snape murmured, grinning in a disgustingly satisfied way, eyes directed at Sirius; whom was avoiding the gaze of, perhaps, the person he hated the most -- below Peter.

'Severus, you're making a mistake.' Remus urged, edging closer to him, 'You haven't heard everything -- I can explain -- Sirius is not here to kill Harry--'

'Two more for Azkaban tonight.' Snape went on, sneering, 'I shall be quite interested to see how Dumbledore takes this, he was under the impression you were harmless...you know, Lupin, a tame werewolf.'

Ophelia gritted her teeth, fists clenched, resisting the overwhelming urge to attack him.

'Take that back.' Sirius snarled, advancing on Snape.

'Sirius-' Remus warned, casting him a sharp glance.

'Oh quiet yourself, Remus.' Sirius snapped.

'Look at you two. Quarrelling like an old, married couple.' Snape sneered, 'Luckily you'll be in Azkaban together. Till death do us part - right?' He hissed.

'You utter fool.' Remus accused, 'Is a schoolboy grudge really worth putting an innocent man back in Azkaban?'

Without another word, Snape waved his wand at Remus and snake-like cords flew out of the tip; tying themselves around Remus' limbs, so he fell to the surface of the creaky floorboards, unable to move. Sirius made a run at Snape, outraged, while Ophelia collapsed beside Remus; trying to undo them desperatley as Remus tried to wriggle free.

'Go play with your chemistry set.' Sirius sneered.

'Let him go!' Ophelia pleaded, eyes flickering up to Snape, 'Let him go...he hasn't done anything.'

In an act of desparity, she whirled around to face Hermione; eyes begging -- pleading -- for her to help, even if she was mad at her still. This was about Remus -- not her. And without a word, Hermione performed the spell which had slipped Ophelia's mind, and Remus wriggled free, standing back on his feet and inserting himself into the duel between Snape and Sirius -- forcing the two men to stop their efforts, and panting as he caught his breath.

'Professor Snape...' Hermione spoke first, 'It -- it -- wouldn't hurt to hear what they've got to say...would it?' She was unsure, hesitant, but it was an effort -- one that didn't go unnoticed by her, or her parents.

'Miss. Granger, you are already facing suspension. You, Weasley, Potter and Lupin's offspring are out of bounds, and in the company of both a convicted murderer and a werewolf. For once in your life, hold your tongue.' Snape spat.

'But if there was a misunderstanding, wouldn't you see it best to try and understand-'


'You won't speak to her that way.' Remus said softly, yet firmly, eyes flickering up to meet Severus'.

'Luckily, Lupin, you aren't in the place to tell me what to do -- seeing as you both are doomed to rot in Azkaban now that I've caught you.'

'The joke is on you, Severus.' Sirius snarled, 'As long as Ron brings his rat up to the castle...I'll come quietly.'

'Up to the castle? Why would I do that?' Snape questioned, rhetorically, 'All I have to do is summon the dementors when we get outside. They'll be ever so delighted to find you, Black.'

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