55. I love you, kid

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It was a warm night for early April. The moonlight poured through the windows in the corridor, illuminating the stone cold floor and glossing over the metal suits of armour that lined the walls. It was still. Serene. An opposite picture to that of the corridors in the morning, or between classes, bustling with students and teachers trying to navigate their way around each other.

Lit only by moonlight, Ophelia tip-toed down the corridor; bag full of treats slung over her shoulder, and wand in hand as she swiftly exited the portrait hole in an attempt to see Sirius.

She hadn't visited him in three weeks, which she felt terribly about, no need to shame her for it. Things had been busy which was really inexcusable, but with Hermione on the constant watch and Remus in a reasonably good mood since his birthday, and following the March full moon, she thought the better of it. After a couple months of using the wolfsbane potion, the full moons seemed to effect him less and less with every cycle - which was reason to be happy with less scratches, and more energy, he seemed happier than he had been since August; which said a lot.

She tried not to think about how Sirius must have felt; eating whatever scraps he managed to scavenge when the sun went down, and basking in his loneliness, waiting on her to show up. It was why her bag weighed her down a little extra today; having packed triple the food she normally brought as a piece offering, and leaving Gryffindor tower with the intent to stay for longer than she normally did.

Hermione had fallen asleep earlier than usual today - perhaps the enormity of her seemingly never ending schedule finally catching up to her; and Harry and Ron had retreated to their dormitory with the intent to finish their piles of missing assignments after the feast. Minnie had been on their tails for weeks about their various missing essays - it was only a matter of time. It was the perfect opportunity.

It was easy though, too easy, and in hindsight she should have noted that - for when she turned the corner of the corridor that led to the courtyard, she was faced with the barley visible figure of somebody she did not fancy running into.

It was also somebody that had a knack for showing up at the most inopportune times.

Albus Dumbledore was walking leisurely, hands interlocked behind his back, shimmery periwinkle robes trailing behind him and half-moon spectacles perched on his nose, with that long beard of his falling near to the floor.

He greeted her in a tone of utmost pleasance, questioned if she fancied a walk, and gestured for her to follow as she fell in step beside him. As usual, he had the beautifully frustrating ability to say more in silence than in words - his expression neither surprised nor angry, suggesting their run-in was no coincidence, as he thoughtfully observed his surroundings.

'Nice night, isn't it?' He asked after an uncertain period of time, turning to face her; though she could barley make out his features in the dim light.

'Very, Professor.' She replied quietly, softly, just barley audible.

'I thought so. I do enjoy walks at night myself.' He nodded, thoughtfully, as he turned to look back in front of him.

'Fresh air.' She added, quickly.

'Indeed. Does wonders for the mind. Staying inside makes fresh air seem like a delicacy.' He noted, knowingly, and she opened her mouth to speak,


'Not an accusation, only a thought.' He jumped in, quick to correct.

'Hm.' She hummed, still unsure.

'Easter is coming up.' He went on.

'It is.' She nodded, pushing a strand of curly black hair out of her vision, gaze focused on her feet as they kept on down the corridor.

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