70. The Return To Hogwarts

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There was a prominent glum feeling that succumbed over the Weasley household after Ophelia's birthday. With three days left of the summer holidays, the children did the best they could to soak it up.

Normally, if you'd ask any one of them, they'd tell you they'd be excited to return back to school. This year was somehow different though. Everybody had gotten used to the extra five occupants in the Burrow, and having them around seemed more fitting than anything.

Despite loving the quiet life she shared with Remus and Ginger, she had got used to being here, used to the hustle and bustle that came from living somewhere with thirteen other people, and none of them could deny that she fit in quite perfectly with the rest of them.

September the 1st came quickly though. Soon enough, the sea of red-heads and the sparse others had arrived at Kings Cross, ready to leave for another year, with trunks and cages in hand.

With that came the bittersweet parting from Remus, who this year she wouldn't have with her at Hogwarts. Although it was undeniably true their relationship was better off this way; since despite enjoying having him there, they got themselves into countless arguments in third year; it was difficult to grasp the thought that she once again would be without him until Christmas holidays.

She didn't have much time to dwell on the underlying sadness that came with that though. This morning had already been hectic, to say the least, and they had only just arrived. They were short two Weasley's; Percy, who had to work, and Mr Weasley — who was sent away for an urgent matter at the Ministry, leaving the children in the hands of others.

"You all have your trunks?" Mrs Weasley confirmed, one last time, as the eleven of them were in a group huddle on the platform — speaking over the sound of hundreds of other witches and wizards, and the hiss coming from the scarlet red train.

"Yes, Mum." The four Weasley's returning to Hogwarts mumbled.

"Yes, Mrs Weasley." Hermione, Ophelia and Harry assured her.

"Everybody's alright and accounted for." Remus soothed, patting her gently on the back.

She flashed him a quick smile, before pulling her children each into a separate embrace, starting with Ginny.

"You be a good girl, Ginny. Manners, yes?"

"Yes Mum." Ginny mumbled, cheeks scarlet red, as the plump woman pulled away from her.

Ron was next, much to his dismay.

"Same with you. No mischief this year." She informed him, as she pressed an obnoxious kiss to the top of his head.

"Yes, Mum, alright!" Ron huffed, pulling away from her grasp.

"And you two." Molly cleared her throat, standing in front of the twin's (who were much taller than her), "Behave. I don't want any owls home complaining about you two. And no more of those pranks, or candies. Behave."

"Always, mother." The two grinned, in unison.

She frowned, moving onto the others and not hesitating to give them the same treatment.

"Have a good term, dears." She smiled warmly, pressing a kiss to the top of Harry, Hermione and Ophelia's heads too.

"Thank you, Mrs Weasley." Ophelia smiled as she pulled away, "For letting us stay, for everything."

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