42. Hogsmeade

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Over the next few weeks, things much improved for Ophelia Lupin. The weather transitioned from fall to winter; rain being replaced with snow, the brisk air in exchange for frigid air and the black lake freezing over completely to create a stunning view outside. Aside from summer, winter was her favourite season—the holidays were coming up after all.

Weather aside, the rest of her life was going unusually well compared to the previous few months. Conversations with her Dad became regular, they made time for each other and even when the conversations were difficult; they both agreed that it was better than avoiding the other. She played more chess with Ron, drank hot chocolate in the common room with Harry; took walks with Hermione when she could spare a minute, and took trips to the kitchens with Luna on the weekends. But perhaps the most glorious thing of all was that Sirius Black was the last thing on her mind.

To everybody's surprise, the Gryffindor Quidditch team had also not completely lost out like everybody had assumed—they had one last chance against Ravenclaw in the New Year to get the cup, and that seemed to lift everybody's mood. Oliver Wood started to take care of himself again, Fred and George threw a massive party to celebrate and Harry was certainly happier—he didn't feel as if it was entirely his fault anymore, though Ophelia explained multiple times it wasn't his to begin with. But to Harry's delight especially, the dementors seemed to have vacated the property completely; none could be seen anywhere, and Ophelia figured this was likely due to Dumbledore's outrage after the incident in early November.

And two weeks before the end of term, everybody's spirits were lifted substantially; the holidays were approaching and that seemed to make everybody happier; regardless of the gloom taking place outside the castle. The corridors were lined with wreaths and twinkling lights, the Great Hall with a large tree Hagrid brought in like last year, and Professor Flitwick took great delight in decorating every nook and cranny to look joyous.

They all took great delight in discussing their plans; all four of them were staying this year, as well as Fred and George and Remus, of course. And to Ophelia's delight (and surprise) Ginger would be travelling to spend the break with them at Hogwarts too—and all of her friends were quite excited to meet the elf she could never quite stop rambling on about.

But before the festivities could begin, and before Ginger could arrive; a Hogsmeade weekend was taking place first, the only damper on Ophelia and Harry's joyous mood. Hermione and Ron apologized profusely for them not being able to take Harry, though their excitement was not so subtly concealed. Hermione was excited to do her Christmas shopping for her parents in the village; and Ron took any opportunity to get more sweets with the galleons Harry so graciously gave him—he didn't need them, and Ron could use more.

Ophelia on the other hand told them she wanted to stay behind with him. Harry protested, saying she shouldn't loose out because of him, but little did he know she had to stay anyway. After they bid their two friends goodbye, they took a walk in the chilly corridors. They were in plain sight, with teachers all around them, so they were granted permission to do it. It was freeing, to an extent, but she still wished she could be able to walk outside the castle without being scolded—a privilege she had taken for granted prior to this year.

'It's pretty, isn't it?' Ophelia noted as they continued to walk down a bright corridor; the snow they could see outside the windows made everything seem so much brighter.

Harry made a hum in agreement as they gazed out one of the windows; the grounds covered in a thick layer of cloud-like snow that shimmered with the sunlight. It was a gorgeous sight, but the fact neither of them could go out to see it in person frustrated her.

'I wish we could go outside.'

'You can.' Harry reminded her.

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