79. Rita Skeeter

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Ron was in a horrible mood for next week or so. It wasn't at all unlike Ophelia and his falling out last December, except this time Harry was the one in the hot seat.

Ron was a jealous person. Ophelia knew this, Harry knew this, Hermione knew this; yet his fury still caught them off guard sometimes. Having seven siblings, he had little that was his. He was jealous when other people hung out with his friends, and of his older siblings who all had various big accomplishments. He was jealous of Ginny, since being the youngest she got the attention he craved. It was inevitable, really, and this instance was no different.

Being best friends with the most popular teenager in the wizarding world, the daughter of a werewolf and an ex-convict, and one of the brightest students in the school; jealousy was common in most aspects of his life, despite their pleas for him to understand that with or without fame, money, or the best grades, they loved him just the same.

In this case, Ron was quite upset with Harry and the abrupt change in events for this year. He envied the green-eyed boy for being chosen as a champion, and channeled it in spite; casting him nasty glares across the common room, not speaking to him (unless it was a mutter under his breath) and not letting go of the idea that Harry himself that entered somehow.

It left Harry furious. He couldn't fathom why his red-haired friend would be jealous of the fact he was being forced to compete in a deadly, dangerous tournament he was hardly prepared or educated enough to participate in.

It left Hermione and Ophelia, on the other hand, in the middle of what was unfolding to be a nasty feud.

When Harry was in a relatively good mood, they would write to Remus and Sirius. When he wasn't, they would finish his homework to get back in his good graces.

When Ron graced them with his presence, they walked on eggshells to avoid speaking about Harry, or the tournament, or anything that could possibly trigger his jealousy and fury.

It was tough. Fights always were.


By the middle of November, the entirety of the school was divided. The Slytherin's were vigorously rooting for Viktor Krum, the Hufflepuffs were infuriated with the Gryffindors for potentially risking Cedric's chance at victory, the Ravenclaws sided with them, and the Gryffindors were in disarray. Half of them believed Harry and were rooting for him, and the other half was infuriated he was even participating at all.

Eventually merchandise made it's way into the mix. Badges with the motto "Potter Stinks" were big sellers among the Slytherin's, and others that praised Cedric were big hits with the Hufflepuffs.

"I didn't ask them to make them." Cedric said in a hushed voice one day in the courtyard as he pulled Harry and Ophelia aside, "I swear. I asked them to stop..."

"It's fine." Harry replied with cooly, before pushing past the taller Hufflepuff as Ophelia rushed to catch up with him.

Later, the day only got worse. All the champions were called to a tent that was set up on the grounds for photographs and exclusive interviews, and Ophelia practically had to drag Harry there.

"It won't take long." She told him as they walked down to the puffy white tent, "They'll snap a picture, ask you your thoughts on all of this, and we'll be on our way. Then, your face will be on tomorrow's newspaper."

"Brilliant." Harry muttered as she opened the flap to the tent, and led him inside.

It was decorated with Bulgarian flags, French decor, and Hufflepuff and Gryffindor pride attire; quite an interesting variety, but it was likely some sort of stunt to be inclusive to all champions.

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