50. Wormtail, Snivellus & Conflict

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It would be an understatement to say that the entirety of Hogwarts was thoroughly shaken at Sirius Black's second intrusion, and second narrow escape.

Ron, having been the supposed target, took pride in telling the story - how he fended him off with his bare hands and saved the rest of the boys in the dormitory (Harry, at a later time, admitted to Ophelia that Ron did nothing of the sort - but they let him have his moment of pride).

But for once, since that night in August when she first read the headline in the Daily Prophet, she wasn't worried. She wasn't fearful. She felt lighter, happier, as if there wasn't a storm cloud looming over her everywhere she went. It was a liberating feeling, of being free from worry after months of it being nonstop.

She only wished she had someone to tell. Somebody to share the news with - to tell them that their cries of worry weren't necessary because Sirius Black wasn't dangerous at all. But above all, she wanted to tell Remus. He deserved more than anything to know the truth, yet she couldn't reveal it. Not yet, anyway.

On top of that, she hadn't been back to the Shrieking Shack to visit Sirius yet, though in her defence it had only been two days. She would go soon - make up some excuse to her friends, borrow Harry's cloak and the map, and take a little extra food from the feast to bring to him; she just had to make sure she wasn't caught.

It was February 7th today. A week until Valentine's Day. Three days until the next Quidditch match - the final Quidditch match at that.

Actually, it was the 8th already. It was just past midnight, as she noted when her honey eyes flickered up to the clock in the common room, as she sat in a crimson armchair in front of the crackling fire, book in hand because she was too giddy to sleep.

You'd think she'd have slept better after essentially all of her worries being lifted, but for her that wasn't the case. Sleep was somehow more difficult because her mind kept wandering over to everything that would happen soon - conversations with Sirius, Remus' reaction when he would eventually find out, and everything in between that was sure to occur 'soon' (however long it was exactly that Sirius had meant with that).

It wasn't much long after that when she heard footsteps descending the stone staircases behind her; half-expecting to see Hermione, scolding her for being up so late, or perhaps even Ron on a mission for a midnight snack - she turned around expectantly. But it was to see Harry, cloak of invisibility tucked under his arm and a folded up piece of parchment that she knew to be the map in his hands.

'Oh. Erm, hi.' He fumbled, likely having not expected to run into anyone - as he ruffled up his jet black hair (a nervous habit he had grown accustomed to), and adjusted his round glasses.

'Good morning.' She told him, though that was barley so, quirking an eyebrow up and gesturing to the cloak and the map, 'and just where are you going?'

He paused, possibly to decide whether or not to let her in on whatever it was he was thinking so intensely about, before sighing, 'A mission.'

'A mission?' She questioned - tone laced with slight humour.

'Yes.' He replied, awkwardly.

'Care to let me in on it?' She teased.

'That depends.' He replied, ruffling his hair once more, as he padded his way over to sit down in the chair next to her, 'are you going to let me go if I do?'

Let me, as if it was really her place to decide. It wasn't, of course. He was free to do what he wanted - though that didn't guarantee her approval, and she felt almost honoured (though maybe that wasn't the correct word) that he valued her opinion that much.

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