75. Durmstrang & Beauxbatons

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The weather began to get more brisk every passing day as September morphed into October, and the last bits and pieces of summer turned into the beginning of autumn.

Most of their classes were going well. Transfiguration with Minnie was pleasant, muggle studies with Professor Burbage was enjoyable, and Herbology with Sprout was a walk in the park compared to some of their other subjects.

Professor Snape was just as sour as he had been last June though, which meant for miserable potions lessons, though that was the norm by now. He held onto the grudge against Remus and Sirius as if it was the last thing he'd ever do, and took it out harshly on the kids.

Defence Against the Dark Arts, on the other hand, was complicated. True to Fred and George's word, Professor Moody's classes were unlike anything any of them had experienced, but they quickly came to the realization that wasn't necessarily good. If they thought their first class with the ex-auror was out of the ordinary, they were severely unprepared for what was to come. Moody had taken to performing the Imperius curse on the students to teach them how to block it, which was unfavourable by many, as you could imagine.

On the bright side, Sherlock had returned with a letter from Remus, stating that Sirius was with him and Ginger and that the house was secured for the time being; which alleviated their anxiety about the ex-convict's safety for now.


The guests from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were set to arrive on the thirtieth of October, and the entirety of the Hogwarts students were huddled outside in front of the castle awaiting their arrival that very afternoon.

"Weasley, straighten your robes." Minnie instructed Ron as she passed by the three of them, inspecting everybody's appearance, thick Scottish accent much louder than the buzz of the excited students.

"Miss Patil, please take that ridiculous thing out of your hair." She added, eyeing the large butterfly clip in Parvarti's hair Ophelia knew Lavender had given her to borrow.

"No pushing." She scolded, seeing how the four of them were squeezing through the crowd to the front of the group, eager to get a good view of the black lake. But they ignored her, getting a good spot at the front anyway.

"How do you reckon they're coming? Train?" Ron questioned.

"I doubt it." Hermione replied.

"Brooms, then?" Harry asked.

"Apparition?" Ophelia offered.

"Not everybody is of age to do that." Hermione reminded them.

"So how then?"

Ron's question needed no further prying when the two schools arrived shortly after the words slipped from his mouth, all of them in awe at the sight of their grand entrance.

Beauxbatons arrived in a massive Cinderella blue, horse-drawn flying carriage. Finished with lace, elegant pearls, and only the shiniest of diamonds; Ophelia expected nothing less from the prestigious school that was notorious for being extra in all of its aspects.

Durmstrang on the other hand was not as classy, though admittedly more impressive; a giant pirate ship arose from under the vast black lake, causing many students to jump back, as it began to sail towards them.

"Wicked." Fred and George breathed at the sight of it.

It all seemed a tad dramatic, if Ophelia was being honest, but didn't complain as everybody cheered and watched them arrive — excited for the tournament and what was to come.

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