10. The Sorting Ceremony

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'Firs' years! Firs' years! This way!' A tall, and scruffy man bellowed. He was very tall, possibly eight-feet if Ophelia had to guess, and he had a large black beard. He was holding a dimly lit lantern that practically gave off no light whatsoever, and a large black dog sat next to him. She had never met the man, though she knew who he was immediately. This was Hagrid, the gameskeeper, he had been here when her Dad was too.

The first years gathered round at the dock, Hagrid standing at the front waiting patiently while everybody got themselves situated and accounted for. 'Alright you lot, welcome ter Hogwarts! I'm Rubeus Hagrid, gameskeeper, and I'll be takin' yer to the castle on the boat ride.'

There were many hushed 'oohs' and 'ahhs' from the crowd, and the whimpers of a few select students who looked scared out of their skin; like a boy with messy black hair that she saw before, with the toad, who was practically trembling with fear.

'Now, it'll be three ter a boat--no more 'an that! Pick yer team, and step into one of the small boats down here.' He said, moving out of the way and gesturing towards the dozens of tiny boats that sat on the edge of the black lake, the castle behind it in the distance.

It was much more intimidating than it was in the books Ophelia had read. It was enormous, and the black lake was stunning too; it was as thin as ice, and looked like a mirror; the lit castle reflecting off perfectly in the dark water.

The boat ride went smoothly. Ophelia riding with Luna, and two other girls who introduced themselves as Hannah Abott and Susan Bones, and they glided across the lake like effortlessly.

Soon enough they reached the dock, where they all shuffled off their tiny wooden boats and were led up a grand staircase that led to the inside of the castle. The inside was even more impressive than the outside; and there was a certain feeling in the air that no textbook could ever possibly describe. It felt safe, and magical; and a little bit like home.

'Thank you, Hagrid.' A woman's voice called as they reached a large pair of wooden doors; finished with brass latches and locks, and you could hear the sound of hundreds of other students from behind the doors talking; and Ophelia knew this must be the entrance to the Great Hall.

They all gathered together on the stairs, some whispering excitedly, others in nervousness; and some just so utterly perplexed by the beauty of the castle they weren't making any noise at all.

The woman they were faced with looked stern, but she looked as if she would be extremely kind; providing you didn't cross her. She was thin, and wearing emerald green robes embellished with gold accents. There was a pointy black hat atop her head of grey hair, which was tied neatly into a bun, and her face was very defined; with a sharp nose, and deep blue eyes that were covered with glasses that sat on the edge of her nose. Ophelia knew this would be Professor McGonagall, whom her father had told her about, but he called her 'Minnie'. Apparently, her and Dumbledore were his two favourites.

She walked to stand in front of the group of students, her heels clicking against the stone floors, and she cleared her throat. 'Welcome-'

'TREVOR!' The boy with messy black hair, who was trembling before, pushed past everybody to lunge at Professor McGonagall's feet.

He just barley caught a slimy toad, presumably named 'Trevor', before he shakily backed away, clutching the toad as hard as he could.

'S-sorry.' He murmured, before disappearing back into the gathering of students.

A few people snickered, before she cleared her throat again. 'Welcome to Hogwarts. I am Minerva McGonagall, deputy headmistress, and your transfiguration teacher. Inside these doors is the Great Hall, where you will soon be sorted into your houses.'

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