32. Nightmares

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Rem's POV


'Hello, may I sit?'


'You seem quiet.' A boy with long black hair said as he entered the compartment Remus was sitting in, and plopped down in front of him.

'And you seem posh.' Remus noted, looking up from his book, and seeing his fancy dress robes, tidy hair, and perfect posture.

The boy with long black hair cracked a smile. 'Hardly. My family makes me be all posh and proper. Now that I'm going to Hogwarts I can do whatever I want.'


'What about you mystery boy? Being all quiet and reading.' The boy smiled.

Remus laughed, 'Reading is fun—ever tried it?'

'I've read a lot, actually. Or forced to, more like. I don't really enjoy it.' He shrugged.

Remus didn't actually want to talk at first, but this boy already seemed to be more interesting than he had originally thought—so he did.

'Your family sounds strict.' Remus noted.

'S'enough about me.' The boy said, shaking his head, 'what about you?'

'What about me?' Remus smiled.

'Your story. Y'know, ambitions, hobbies—darkest secrets.' The boy laughed.

'I don't know you well enough to tell you my darkest secrets.' Remus joked.

'Shall we change that then? I'm Sirius Black.' The slender boy said, reaching his hand out.

Remus extended his out to reach his, and they shook. 'Remus Lupin.'

'That's a weird name.' Sirius smiled.

'One might say the same about yours, you know.' Remus grinned.

'What?' Sirius gasped, mock-offended, 'how could somebody? It's SIRIUS-ly the best name ever.'

Remus couldn't help but let out a laugh at that.

'You're an odd ball, Remus Lupin.'

'Gee thanks.'

'But I can tell we're going to be the best of friends!' The small boy smiled, as he kicked off his shoes and handed Remus a chocolate bar. 'Chocolate?'

Remus Lupin's eyes shot open at once, and he sat up quickly, fumbling around for his wand on the bedside table.

'Lumos.' He panted.

The wand light illuminated his sleeping quarters, and as he caught his breath and his breathing evened out, he got up and using magic, made himself a cup of tea.

As he crawled back into his bed, with a tea up in hand, he absentmindedly took a bite of a chocolate bar that he had left on his table the previous day.

Nightmares had become a more regular occurrence for Remus John Lupin; not just leading up to the full moons, but every night it seemed. Every night since the news about Sirius Black had gotten out.

He wasn't a stranger to nightmares. He got them as a boy, and as a teenager; about the full moon. He got them frequently after James and Lily had died, he got them when Ophelia was sick and he was worried and he got them in the days leading up the full moons when his mind was not his own. He wasn't a stranger to them, that didn't make them any easier though.

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