14. Propositions

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September slowly merged into October. The warm, humid air shifted into a more brisk temperature; and the once green trees began to turn into beautiful shades of burnt oranges, and yellow, and crimson. Autumn had come to Hogwarts.

Hermione had still not spoken to Ophelia, Harry or Ron. You would think that would be difficult, having the same classes with them and for Ophelia; sharing a dormitory. But she made it work. A couple times she looked as if she was about to speak, but then she had stopped; as if remembering to hold the grudge she had against them for that night's events. Harry and Ron were relieved. Her 'punishment' was seen as a blessing to them; for not having to hear her insufferable bickering any more. Ophelia on the other hand, was still slightly annoyed with Hermione but admitedly, it was weird not talking to her.

Instead, Ophelia hung out with Luna a lot more. Reading the Quibbler, her Dad's magazine, or walking in the grounds observing nature. Hagrid had even once invited them inside for tea when he saw them wandering about one Sunday afternoon. He also served them rock cakes, which tasted horrible but the sentiment was much appreciated by both girls.

Other than that, her free time was spent studying, writing to her Dad or listening to Harry rant on and on about why Snape is evil. Ophelia had to admit, Harry had a point about the three-headed dog. If the school was so safe, why did it need such heavy protection? And by a murderous animal no less? Whilst Harry was focused on making a mental list of why Snape is plotting something, Ophelia was more focused on the object or whatever they were hiding. What was it? Was it valuable, or dangerous--or perhaps, both? Regardless, they had spoken to nobody about the sitaution; and neither had Hermione or Neville. Because despite not speaking at the moment, it was too risky.

'A-Alright, Miss. L-Lupin, r-read this p-page, if you please.' Professor Quirrell instructed. It was a brisk October day, and Professor Quirrel was doing what he did best; teaching them things they could very easily teach themselves, like reading from a textbook.

Ophelia didn't have anything against Professor Quirrell. He seemed like a nice enough person, he was always willing to answer questions and he didn't cause them any grief. He didn't take away points often, and he didn't give you detention if you spoke out of turn; but there was something about him. He was trembling all the time, he jumped when he heard the slightest noise, and he seemed utterly against the idea of letting them actually learn to cast any spells. He was fine, but daresay not the most qualified for his position.

'Expelliarmus. A disarming charm that will, if cast properly, take the object; typically a wand, out of your opponents hand. It is most commonly used in duels, and has the power to disarm multiple opponents if in close proximity.' She read, and when she was finished she looked up.

'E-Excellent.' He nodded, and turned to write that on the board using his wand.

'Are we going to practice this?' Hermione piped up.

'N-No, Miss. Granger. It is a-above y-your level, I'm a-afraid.' He nodded, trembling like always.

Ophelia internally groaned.

When class was over; Harry, Ron and Ophelia walked down the corridor together, and to their surprise, for the first time in weeks, Hermione came along.

'Such a pointless lesson, if you ask me. It's not teaching if it's stuff we can learn by ourselves just by reading the textbook.' Ron huffed. Harry nodded in agreement.

'I found it informative.' Hermione added.

'Talking to us again, are you?' Ron asked, bitterly, but he did not turn to face her.

'You three almost got me killed. Excuse me if I didn't feel like chatting.' Hermione retorted. Apparently the seperation did nothing to Ron and Hermione's relationship, in fact it only made them more bitter towards each other, like an old divorced couple.

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