47. Christmas, 1993

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Christmas of 1993 was perfect. Ginger's presence made everything more joyous and with Ron and Ophelia, quite literally, making up just in time; everybody was allowed to fully enjoy themselves without any tension, or worry despite the gloom outside the castle, or previous arguments. It was all forgotten after their midnight adventure, and when they woke up to piles of beautifully wrapped parcels under the common room tree with the twins singing carols, and Hermione making hot cocoa. Even though they were tired from their outing, in their pyjamas, and rubbing their eyes like small, sleep deprived children - they were all grateful to be friends again, and everybody around them was equally grateful.

They exchanged parcels and cards; going around in a circle while sitting cross-legged in pyjamas. She got homemade fudge and a new Weasley jumper, as per usual, from all nine Weasley's combined; a gift certificate to the book store in Hogsmeade from Hermione, and a giant box filled with sweets upon sweets upon sweets from Harry. They unwrapped the piles and stacks of parcels and cards until only one remained; a slender, long neatly wrapped package with no tag, just Harry's name scrawled on the top.

It was revealed to be a Firebolt, the most prestigious broomstick in circulation at the moment. It cost hundreds of galleons, and as the twins and Ron were fawning over it in jealously, the other three were trying to figure out just who sent it. Ophelia didn't think much of it, a mystery admirer? A gift from Dumbledore? Everybody loved Harry, with the exception of Draco Malfoy, so it wasn't all that surprising to her. Hermione on the other hand found it suspicious, as always being the most cautious out of the four. But it was temporarily forgotten, as they finalized their unwrappings and made their way to breakfast.

With so little students staying for the holidays, the Great Hall was reconfigured to have just one long table opposed to the usual four. It was decorated with fine china, and a red and gold table banner and the most delicious breakfast foods you could ever imagine that were only prepared for special occasions. Dumbledore gave festive remarks, Minnie passed around little chocolates wrapped in gold foil for everybody (which Remus drooled over) and Ginger sang carols with Hagrid, slightly off tune but the thought was there nevertheless. And instead of the usual raspberry toast, she had fluffy pancakes with whipped cream - occasionally leaning over to steal a strawberry from Remus' plate, which he happily pushed over for her to steal more from.

At lunch, they had roasted ham and vegetables. Hagrid spoke of Christmases he remembered from when he was a young boy, and they all listened intently as they took bites of the delicious food and sips of warm butterbeer. Ginger went on to sing more carols (with a remix edition of Jingle Bells), Dumbledore spoke of how delighted he was to have been gifted socks from Minnie and Professor Flitwick charmed the suits of armour to sing Let It Snow.

And later in the evening, as the joint festivities died down and they were all left to do what they pleased for the remainder of the day; Remus invited Ginger and Ophelia to have snacks and butterbeer in his quarters as they exchanged their gifts, which they had not yet done. But being kind and thoughtful as always, he invited along Harry, Hermione and Ron - not wanting to separate the four friends who had just rekindled their beautiful friendship.

Upon entering his quarters, her eyes widened as she realized the lengths him and Ginger had gone to in effort to decorate for their small party. A table with warm butterbeer and various desserts and snacks was set up nicely in one corner. The fire was crackling, his sparkly Christmas tree was lit and decorated with the traditional popcorn garlands Ginger and her used to make and mugs of hot cocoa with whipped cream were pre-prepared on the coffee table in front of the crimson sofa and comfy armchairs. And their record player was set up in the corner, softly playing Wonderful Christmastime in the background, and under the tree were a few, but still beautifully wrapped, parcels with fancy ribbons.

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