74. There's Much To Think About

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It had started out as a peaceful night, in all sense of the matter. Ophelia had been back at school for five days, and Remus and Ginger had moved back into their cottage after their lengthy stay with the Weasley's.

Molly had insisted that they stayed, but Remus wasn't one to take advantage of someone's hospitality, and with the kids at school, he had no reason to take up her space any longer.

Without Ophelia, the cottage was quiet. She was a rather reserved kid herself, but she brought a lively energy to every space she inhabited. Remus had gotten used to being without her over the years, and though it was never really easy, he had adapted. He had Ginger, and their quiet life when Ophelia was off at school was peaceful. Writing letters to her brought him solace, and her absence gave him more time to think — especially now, when there was so much to think about.

He wrote on and off with Sirius. Mainly to ensure he was safe, at the very least, but their letters didn't extend much beyond that obligation. He said hello, he asked if he was okay, he would usually add in a tidbit about Ophelia, and then end it off with a nice 'take care' or 'see you soon'  — whatever that meant.

Tonight Remus had indulged himself in a classic book from their study though, curled up in the burnt orange armchair in the sitting room, a piping hot mug of tea on the coffee table, and Ginger sitting in her own chair knitting across from him. The television was on a low volume in the back, on some muggle news channel that merely acted as background noise as he read.

Pride and Prejudice had always been one of his favourites, which is what he had began to re-read tonight. He had to admit he was a sucker for romance novels, and could never resist diving back into the story of Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy, though Ophelia constantly teased him about it.

He was only on page twenty-something when there was a tapping at the window, which he only faintly heard over the sound of rain pattering on the rooftop.

"She's writing late, no?" Ginger asked from where she sat, and Remus shrugged as he put down his book and made his way to unlatch the window in the kitchen, a snowy owl flying into the sitting room, eager to seek shelter from the rain.

"It's Harry's owl, not Ophelia's." Remus frowned as he took the letter from the bird, "Ging, do you mind getting her a treat?"

Ginger sprung up from her chair and went to the kitchen to fetch something for Hedwig to eat, while Remus ripped open the letter in an instant.

"It's Ophelia's writing." He called.

"Weird! What did she say?" Ginger asked from the kitchen.


Sirius is travelling north. He's worried about how Harry's scar has been hurting, and it sounds like he wants to get in contact with us. It's not safe for him to be anywhere near Hogwarts with the Triwizard Tournament starting in a couple weeks. He needs somewhere to stay, I thought home? Please? I'll make it up to you. Just don't let him do anything stupid.

Ophelia x

"Sirius is travelling. She wants us to take him in." Remus supplied, looking up from the parchment, "but how do we know where he is? Do we send him an owl? Can Hedwig even find him if he's-"

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Aren't we popular today?" Remus asked as he looked up from the letter.

"Who would be here this late?"

"Dumbledore? That man doesn't understand etiquette, showing up at peoples doorsteps in the night..." Remus muttered as put the letter down on the coffee table, "But I'll get it."

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