31. Hippogriff

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As usual, the four of them ate together in the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning. Ron was eating scrambled eggs and sausages at an alarming rate; as if he'd never eaten in his life, but Ophelia knew that was hardly true. His mother was Molly Weasley after all. Ophelia on the other hand was having what she usually had; toast and raspberry jam. It had always been her favourite, and despite the large array of scrumptious breakfast items, she was content with her plain toast.

Another year had begun today. Third year. It still felt like they were eleven; scrawny and quiet, unsure of themselves and the future—getting sorted, and becoming friends; it all seemed so long ago, yet so soon all at once. She could hardly believe they had been friends for two years; she supposed time went by fast when you were going on dangerous adventures, yet still it was hard to wrap her head around the entirety of it.

She was forced back into reality when she heard the cackles and insults coming from behind them at the Slytherin table—Draco Malfoy once again mocking Harry's incident on the train with the dementor to his boring friends—Crabbe, Goyle and a girl named Pansy Parkinson who was less than pleasant.

'Ignore it, Harry.' Ophelia sighed, 'he has nothing better to do than to mock you.'

She couldn't believe there was a time when she would have considered him a friend.

'Yeah, and the git didn't seem too brave about it when he was practically crying on the train yesterday.' Fred added.

''Yeah, cheer up mate. That frown will be wiped off his face when we win the first Quidditch match. Gryffindor vs Slytherin.' George winked.

Harry made a grunt-like noise.

'You really ought to not be too worked up about it Harry. Dementors are dark creatures, it's understandable.' Hermione added, as she took a spoonful of her oatmeal.

'Dad's been to Azkaban once, for a case.' George added.

'Yeah! I remember that.' Ron piped up.

'He came back all weak and trembling. They suck the happiness out a place. That's why most people in Azkaban go mad. Lost souls and all that.' Fred said grimly.

Ophelia continued to aggressively eat her toast, trying her best not to pitch in on this conversation. Anytime the word Azkaban was muttered, she almost lost it—and they had only been here not even twenty-four hours.

'You alright there, Lupin?' George asked, concerned.

Ophelia smiled, and slowed down her chewing, 'I'm fine.' She nodded reassuringly.

'Right. Erm, well, here are your timetables you four.' George said, passing them each a sheet of paper.

Ophelia observed hers, she had all the normal subjects; except she had also added Ancient Runes as a spare.

Ron on the other hand, looked to be absolutely shocked at Hermione's time table. She was taking ten classes, which didn't really make sense at all. It was near impossible, if not impossible to begin with. There was hardly time for it, it would mean she'd have to be rushing from class to class; with almost no spare time. If anybody could do it, it was certainly Hermione. But it really didn't seem like she could either.

'This is outrageous, Hermione. I mean you're good, but nobody's that good. How can you be in three classes at once?'

Hermione brushed it off. 'Don't be silly, Ronald. I have it sorted with McGonagall. Shall we go to divination, then?' Hermione asked, smiling as she tucked her timetable into her book bag.

With that, the four of them bid goodbye to the twins and they began to make their way to divination. It was in the west tour, which was remarkably far from the Great Hall. It took all of twenty minutes to get there, while panting and gasping for air at the many staircases they had to climb; only getting lost a couple times when some moved them out of the proper direction.

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