49. Twelve Years Since

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It wasn't until a couple days later that Scabbers went missing. With only blood stains and few strands of ginger-tinged cat hair left behind, it was clear that Crookshanks was the culprit of this unlikely murder. Ron was furious - firstly, at Hermione, who never took his complaints about her feline pet seriously. But then, at Ophelia, whom had assured him Scabbers would be fine, but he clearly wasn't now that he was dead.

Suddenly, her work at repairing their relationship went down the drain with the murder of his rat. Harry and herself doubted they would ever make up - before it was a game. Crookshanks would snap at Scabbers, and Ron would yell at Hermione for it. Ron would insult Crookshanks, and Hermione would yell at Ron for it. It was a game. But this was different. The rat was missing, most likely dead and all evidence pointed to Crookshanks. Caught red-handed.

On the brighter side, Harry had been given his Firebolt back a couple days prior and then the Gryffindor team proceeded to defeat Ravenclaw in a gruesome match - the Quidditch cup was within reach for them now, which eased Oliver Wood quite substantially and seemed to lighten everybody's mood.

Everybody except Ron - who was less angry at the fact Scabbers was dead, since he never really liked the rat anyway, but more with Hermione - whom had ignored his pleas to control Crookshanks in the first place.

All in all - the past few days had been eventful, but not all bad. If anything, Harry's issues were rectified. He got his broomstick back, managed to finally produce some of his patronus and won the match.

Hermione though, seemed shaken by Scabbers disappearance, though she still held her ground saying that he might not have been killed, and it wasn't Crookshanks fault. Ophelia didn't see how it couldn't be the cat's fault - but she wouldn't put that past Hermione, who was clearly heavily disturbed by the fact Ron was infuriated with her - and might be forever.

Remus on the other hand didn't seem all that faltered by the news of Scabber's murder,

'Put a rat in front of a cat and it's bound to kill it.' He had shrugged sleepily, in the armchair in his sleeping quarters as Ophelia told him what happened late in the evening.

It was such a simple statement it was almost funny, the kind he made when he was drowsy and not really thinking. Normally, he'd piece together the investigation - observe both sides of the story, and come to a conclusion. This time his answer was simple - blatant.

She couldn't say she disagreed though.

'Try telling that to Ron.' Ophelia had joked back, but Remus had already drifted asleep by the time she said it- curled up in the armchair like a small child, snoring lightly and his sandy brown hair falling over his peaceful face.

Peaceful. Too peaceful for her to even think about waking him up. When she did, the creases of worry would return to his forehead and she thought it was better to let him sleep.

Her gaze flickered up to the clock that hung on the wall, and only then did she realize just how late it was, and how much time they had spent chatting away- it was almost midnight, the rest of the castle likely asleep.

Ophelia smiled and sighed slightly as she gently placed a blanket on top of him, grabbed her wand and turned off the lights - plunging him into darkness as he continued to sleep, not disrupted by her movements.

She slipped out of the room and back into the chilly corridor. If Remus was awake, he'd insist to walk her back to the common room - it was not only the rule, but something he thoroughly enjoyed doing.

But she could manage walking back by herself tonight to let him rest. She wasn't scared, nothing happened to her all the other times she snuck out. This was no different. She had her wand and if she screamed - somebody would hear her. Gryffindor tower wasn't all that far away. Nothing bad would happen.

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