36. Dog and Wolf

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Rem's POV

All the students of Hogwarts; Gryffindor's, Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaw's and Slytherin's alike had to sleep in the Great Hall that night. Dumbledore had magicked the floors to be loaded with cushions, pillows and blankets, and though it was nowhere near bedtime, he left the head boy and girl in charge while the teachers conducted a thorough search of the castle.

Sirius Black had gotten into the castle—past the enchantments and countless protective spells, the numerous teachers and students in the building, and made it as far as Gryffindor tower without being seen. He had been here, he was dangerous—and he was after someone.

That made Remus' insides twist inside. If it wasn't Ophelia, it was Harry—and that wasn't much better. If he could get this far this time, who was to say he couldn't do it again? Who was to say he couldn't find a way inside the common room, and then into their dormitories? He was clearly still powerful—having been able to get inside to begin with. He was dangerous. And if Remus knew one thing, it was that Sirius Black didn't quit until he got what he wanted.

With a final glance at Ophelia, laying down next to Hermione, Ron and Harry safely—he and Dumbledore left the Great Hall; and the students in the hands of Percy Weasley and Penelope Clearwater—two bright students, but just students nevertheless. Could they really protect all of them if Sirius got to them?

'He came looking for her.' Remus said in a hushed voice the moment the door closed behind them as Dumbledore cast a silencing spell on the door.

'We don't know that.'

'We do know that. With all due respect Dumbledore, why else would he come here? He surely didn't come for a nostalgic tour for good old times, sake.' Remus hissed.

'We need to be rational.'

'I am being rational! He got in this time, whose to say he can't do it again?' Remus huffed.

'We will put up more security measures-' Dumbledore began.

'He shouldn't have been able to get in here in the first place! The security measures should have already been good enough. You didn't do enough, you didn't make it safe enough. You promised me.' Remus argued.

'I understand your concerns-'

'My concerns?' Remus roared. 'My mental ex-husband murderer is on a bloody rampage! And he could be after my daughter—our godson—and me!' Remus yelled.

Before Dumbledore could reply, Severus Snape had turned the corner and was approaching them,

'Headmaster?' He asked in his infamous tone of misery.

The two of them turned; Dumbledore being the epitome of calmness, and Remus in pure rage.

'The entirety of the third floor has been searched, he isn't there and Mr. Filch has checked the dungeons—not there either.' Snape informed him.

'And the owlrey? The astronomy tower? The hospital wing?' Dumbledore questioned.

'All searched...'

'I should have known Black wouldn't linger.' Dumbledore murmured. 'Very well, Severus. Thank you for your efforts.'

Snape gave him a curt nod—Remus stood silent but fuming.

'Headmaster, do you have any theories as to how he got in?' Snape asked, eyes twinkling.

'Many, Severus, many. Each as unlikely as the next.' He said grimly.

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