17. The Quidditch Match

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An exhausted looking Harry, Ron and Hermione sat in front of Albus Dumbledore's desk; squeezed together and looking positivley miserable. Hermione's hair was frizzier than usual -- as if she hadn't brushed it in days and the fact she was sitting next to Ron, and not attacking him, said a lot about how distraught she must have been. The three of them looked up when Ophelia and Professor McGonagall spun into view, after just apparating, and there was a moment of complete and utter silence before Professor Dumbledore cleared his throat.

'Welcome back, Miss. Lupin.'

Ophelia just nodded at the sentiment, but was too perplexed at her three friends in front of her to respond. After staring at them a moment longer, she clutched her bag and turned to leave. 'I'll just go...' She trailed off, not really wanting to leave but figuring it wasn't her place to stay either.

'No need, Miss. Lupin. I presume you will hear about this later, so there really is no need for you to go.' Professor Dumbledore said softly, eyes twinkling.

Ophelia flushed, and Dumbledore turned back to the three of them. 'As for you three, none of you will be expelled. Detentions will suffice, and it is to my understanding Professor McGonagall has already awared you some house points for your noteably heroic acts, no matter how unplanned they might have been.'

He paused. 'Mr. Weasley, Mr. Potter -- your acts of bravery have not gone unnoticed.' The two of them blushed, and Ophelia just watched; expecting a full review the moment they all left his office. 'As for you Miss. Granger.'

Hermione looked up. 'You ought to cut these two some slack. It is to my understanding, that you may not be here if it hadn't been for them.' Hermione's cheeks reddened, but she nodded. Ophelia's eyes widened.

What on earth took place when she had been gone?

The moment they left his office, Ophelia was on them; asking questions, talking a mile a minute. At first they tried to ignore her, but when it became evident that Ophelia Lupin was not one to quit; Hermione gave in and told her everything. The troll, Harry and Ron saving her, how they ended up knocking it out. She left no detail out, and by the end of her story; Ophelia's jaw was agape.

'And to think you told me to not do anything too exciting.' She said breathlessly.

But Ophelia was happy. Because if there was one thing that came out of this situation, it's that they were all friends now. She figured some things, like almost being killed by a troll, does have a way to bring people together; even in the most unlikley cases, like one Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.

                                                                                                                             November came with more bone-chilling weather, frost and snow; and with that meant the Quidditch Season was soon to commence. Harry spent a lot of his time practicing, Ron spent his time being supportive (as he called it) and that left Ophelia and Hermione to cover the logistics of it. They did his homework, and even read him key parts about Quidditch which they had discovered after taking out a couple library books about the sport.

In their spare time that wasn't spent reading about Quidditch, Harry had made a discovery about Snape. He was limping, and it was due to a ghastly gash on his right leg. If it hadn't been clear before, it became crystal clear to the four of them now; Severus Snape had tried to get past the three-headed dog. Ophelia called it 'a lead', saying it was like they were conducting a Sherlock Holmes case. Only Hermione, being muggle-born, got the reference and it was too diffiuclt to try to explain to the boys.

The first Quidditch Match of the season took place a day later, Gryffindor vs Slytherin. After a quick pep talk with Harry; Ron, Hermione, Ophelia and Luna made their way to the Gryffindor side of the stands where they sat with some of the others; like Seamus, Pavarti and Padma, Lavender, Neville and Dean, whom had drawn a poster in support of Harry that flashed Gryffindor colours brightly. To their surprise, Hagrid was also in the stands, wearing a Gryffindor scarf wrapped around his neck as he eagerly awaited Harry's entrance.

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