13. The Midnight Duel

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'A what?' Ophelia asked. They were in the common room, it was around eight in the evening, and her, Harry and Ron were sitting at a round table. Ophelia and Ron engrossed in a match of Wizard's Chess, as Harry watched as if it was the most mesmerizing thing he'd ever seen. The rest of Gryffindor was pretty much also all in the common room. Pavarti and Lavender were talking in one corner, Fred and George were in another; surrounded by some of their older friends like a girl named Angelina Johnson and a boy named Oliver Wood, Hermione was studying in an armchair, and Dean was sketching something while Seamus watched.

'A Wizard's Duel.' Ron repeated, as if it was nothing, and then he commanded his knight to move.

'But why at midnight?' Ophelia repeated.

'So nobody finds us, isn't that obvious?' Ron continued.

'But...if you're scared about being caught you probably shouldn't be doing it to begin with.' Ophelia argued.

'Oi, you're starting to sound like that Hermone girl and my Mum all at once.' Ron added.

Ophelia sighed. 'Okay, sorry. Harry do you even know what a Wizard's Duel entails?' She asked, turning to him.

Harry, who had been fixated on a pawn moving, looked up and shook his head. 'Erm, no.'

'Right, then. So not only do you not know what it is, you've barley learned any defensive spells in class!' Ophelia added, turning to Ron.

'He knows enough, have a little faith. I'll be there as well.' Ron argued, as he commanded a castle to move, taking out one of her knights.

'Yeah, as his second.' Ophelia retorted.

'What does 'second' mean?' Harry piped up.

Ophelia turned to him. 'Well, Harry, if you die then Ron is to take over. But he can't interfere unless you're literally dead.'

Harry looked surprised. 'Well, I doubt Malfoy would kill me.' He added. 'I mean he's not a nice bloke, but I doubt he'd go that far or that he's talented enough to do that.'

'That's not the point! This is ridiculous, you know that right?' Ophelia asked.

'Well, it wasn't our idea.' Ron pointed out. 'Malfoy brought it up.'

'And you agreed!' Ophelia cried.

'Knight to E-4.' Ron commanded, and it took out Ophelia's king. He grinned, looking up. 'Checkmate. I win!'

Ophelia sighed.

'Listen, Lupin, we're doing this. Now are you in or out? Because we're fine either way, as long as you don't go about telling a teacher or worse, Percy.' Ron stated, and Harry nodded.

'I won't tell on you.' Ophelia muttered, looking down at the table. She could feel their eyes still watching her however, so she looked up. 'Alright, fine. I'm in. When do we leave?' She could hardly believe the words had come out of her mouth, if she was being honest.

Ron grinned. 'Quarter to.'


                                                                                                                     Ophelia slipped out of her bed at 11:30, tip-toeing across the room to grab her wand and a jumper. It was a difficult task to be stealthy in their dormitory. Lavender and Pavarti slept through anything, but Hermione on the other hand was a very light sleeper and would be sure to hear everything. Somehow though, she pulled of the stunt successfully. She made her way down to the common room to find Ron and Harry were already waiting; both in their pyjamas, the moonlight being the only thing that lit up the room. Apparently she wasn't the only one who decided to be early.

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