62. Homebound

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The Hogwarts Express was set to leave at 11 in the morning a week later. It was a humid day in mid-June; fluffy white clouds painting the blue sky, and the aroma of flowers drifting through the air as they said goodbye to the school for yet another summer.

Side by side, the four of them hauled their trunks and cages with pets (minus Scabbers) to the loading dock; where Hagrid and the conductor worked to get everything packed away in the crimson compartments under the train.

Everybody was buzzing in excitement for summer; even Harry was, being in a reasonably good mood after having learnt Ron was planning to invite the three of them over in August. Luna was standing at the door as people climbed up the steps, handing out free copies of the summer edition of the Quibbler; Dean and Seamus were in light conversation and Fred and George were quickly boarding the train in an attempt to leave before Filch found the last prank they would pull this year. Everybody was happy.

They sat at their normal compartment, and waved goodbye to Hagrid through the open window as the train pulled out of Hogsmeade station. Sitting cross-legged, and on the familiar cracked leather benches, they discussed their summer plans; which weren't extensive. Harry would be with the Dursley's, Hermione was spending a quiet holiday in her muggle neighbourhood and Ron was only looking forward to when they could come over. Ophelia, however, was just looking forward to regaining some sense of normalcy.

The Trolly Witch came by about halfway through. Harry funded the cost entirely, which wasn't too cheap considering he ordered triple what they required. It meant; however, that they spent the rest of the ride unwrapping and devouring sweets, which none of them could really complain about when Harry had purchased such an assortment that allowed them to try anything they desired.

They arrived at King's Cross later in the afternoon. The train slowed to a stop, letting out a cloud of exhaust as one by one the students trailed out onto the familiar platform they would be returning to in September. Eager parents held out open arms for their children, opting to carry their trunks as families reunited for the first time since the Christmas holidays.

Remus Lupin was front and centre on the platform, hands shoved into his brown trousers, and a warm smile painting his face as he greeted the four of them. He embraced Ophelia quickly, before greeting the other three with the utmost kindness; as if they were old pals, and not former students.

"Safe trip?" He questioned, as he took Ophelia's trunk from her and placed it onto the metal cart he had retrieved.

The four nodded in confirmation, going on to ramble about the sweets they had feasted on and discussing just about it every in between.

"Any word from Padfoot?" Ophelia murmured after, and the others listened intently.

"Oh, about that!" Remus smiled, as he pulled out two envelopes from his pockets and handed one to Harry and one to Ophelia.

"Was safer to send them to me." He went on to explain, though neither were listening very much as they ripped open the letters without a second of hesitation.

Dear Ophelia,

I hope my letter got to you alright. I apologize if it came later than you hoped, for safety reasons it was easier to send it to Remus.

I cannot disclose where I am, in the event this letter gets into the wrong hands, but I am just fine. I am safe and in hiding with Buckbeak — who isn't too bad of company, though admittedly he isn't as entertaining as you.

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