48. An Elf-Sized Farewell

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Ginger left a couple days after New Year's. Ophelia had been dreading the day since she had arrived just before Christmas - it seemed daunting to bid the small elf goodbye for another five months, especially with the uncertainty going on in the wizarding world at the moment. But the day came. It was, all things considered, a beautiful day. It was snowing softly, cold but not below freezing, and the sunshine poured over the grounds and painted it like a marvellous picture as they said their, temporary, farewells to the smallest Lupin family member.

'You'll write?' Ophelia asked desperately, as she enveloped the small elf in her arms and shivered at the thought of letting go - in the middle of the rocky path at the edge of the grounds.

'Obviously.' Ginger replied, small face pressed into her long locks of curly black hair. 'And you'll be okay?' She went on to add.

'I'll try.' Ophelia murmured back.

Ginger made a hum of approval.

'I'll miss you.' Ophelia whispered, barley audible.

'You have no idea.' Ginger sighed, as she wriggled free from her grasp and took her small hands to clasp Ophelia's large ones,

'Love you.' She went on to add, squeezing Ophelia's hands as tight as she could in reassurance.

Ophelia sniffled, tears welling in her eyes, as she squeezed Ginger's small hands gently, 'Love you too.'

She felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked up to see Remus gently nodding - it was time for her to go. She gave Ginger's hands one last squeeze, before she used all her strength to let go, as she stumbled backwards.

They waved weakly as Ginger flashed them one last reassuring smile, and apparated away - tiny elf suitcase in hand, and faint tears streaming down her cheeks.

She stared at the place Ginger had just been standing, expression blank, feeling empty that Ginger had come so quickly and slipped away just as fast.

But Remus slung an arm around her shoulder, kissed the top of her head and began to lead her back down the rocky path to the castle - and suddenly, it didn't seem as daunting anymore.

'I love you, you know that right?' He asked her, arm still slung around her shoulder - as if she might crumble to the ground if he let go.

'Yeah, I know. I love you too.' She replied, quietly and absentmindedly - the three letter phrase coming natural to her, falling off her tongue like any other word because she didn't have to think to say it to him. It was just a given.


'I didn't mean any harm by it.' Hermione sighed, rubbing her temples as she continued to flip through a novel, but notably not paying much attention.

'You got his bloody broomstick taken away!' Ron exasperated, dramatically falling back into the crimson sofa in defeat - flaming red hair messy as he pulled his hands through it.

'Temporarily.' Hermione corrected him, 'McGonagall is testing it for curses and jinxes-'

'He might not get it back for the game!' Ron cut her off.

'I'm so terribly sorry, Ronald, that I care about Harry's life. Anybody could have sent it and the fact neither of you seem to care is concerning.' She said firmly, crossing her arms.

'Who would send him a jinxed broom and try to kill him?' Ron fumed - challenging.

'Oh, I don't know, maybe Sirius Black!' Hermione snarled, fuming just as much.

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