Chapter 1 - Beginnings

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Age 4 – 

"Mr. and Mrs. Midoriya, I have good and bad news for you, what would you like to hear first?" a doctor asked the mother of 2.

"I don't believe in bad news, so just tell us what happened." A green-haired woman, Inko, responds.

"Alright, your son, Izuku is unfortunately quirkless." The doctor turns to Izuku. "Sorry kid, your dreams of becoming a hero have prematurely come to an end. We checked a few times, but all the reports show that you are quirkless."

"And what about Izumi?" a black-haired man, the father of the 2 asks.

"Well, Izumi has a perfect combination of both your quirks, she can manipulate fire and form objects with it." The doctor explains.

"You hear that Izumi, you can be a strong hero, how about we go and have ice cream after this?" the man, Hisashi asks, for the girl to nod happily.

The family of 4 left the doctors with Izuku being somewhat consoled by his mother and his father not giving a second thought about his son.

They reached home after a 'celebratory' dinner, with Izuku being completely ignored by his father and occasionally being consoled by his mother. He wanted to cry but at the same time he was happy for his sister getting a strong quirk.

Age 14 –

Izuku was sitting on his desk, writing notes when the teacher entered.

"Alright, kids, I'm supposed to give you all these career tests but I know that all of you want to be heroes." The teachers say.

2 booms were heard as Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugou jumped on their desk, yellow and red explosions going off on their sides. "Teach the only ones from this school worthy enough to become heroes are Shit-sumi, Shit-o, Izumi, and Shoko! We're going to get into UA and become the strongest heroes!"

"And I have no doubt in that, also I believe that Izuku is also applying for UA." The teacher points out, causing the class to laugh.

"Quit dreaming, nerd, you'll never even pass the exams, so quit while you still can," Shoto shouts at the boy.

"Actually – "Izuku starts only to be cut off by Katsumi's explosions.

"DEKU!!!! You think you can be a hero- "She starts to crack explosions on her side before a fist finds its way on her cheek.

"Now, now, Katsuki, sit down please, whatever you want to discuss, it can be done after the class, I need to complete the portions for now." The teacher says as he picks up his textbook, while Katsumi sits back down.

Later that day.

"Oi Deku, you think that a quirkless ass like you can stand on the same pedestal as the 5 of us, then you are wrong, you are sooooo damn wrong," Katsuki says, holding Izumi's hand.

"Not even mom and dad care about you, Deku. So, I suggest that you quit your dreams of being a hero. Or you'll face the consequences." Izumi says as she grabs a book out of Izuku's hands charring it with her quirk and tossing it out of the window.

"Guys why are we even wasting our time on this pathetic reject, let's just go, the arcade closes soon," Katsuki says as he walks away. "You guys coming or what?"

The 5 leave Izuku who was in tears as repressed memories of him being neglected at home came forward.

Izuku walks out of the class, grabbing his book from where it fell, and was making his way home going through an underpass, when he was suddenly teleported to a spacious, empty room.

"Hello, young man. It's nice to finally meet you." A voice greets the boy.

Izuku looks around confused. "Wh-wh-where am I!!!!" he asks confused.

"There's no need to worry child, you are among allies." The voice says as steps can be heard.

"Whatever it is you want, I don't have it, let me go please, mom and dad will be worried about my wellbeing," Izuku says, lying a little.

A man walks in from of Izuku, wearing a red cloak with its hood covering his head. "Don't lie to yourself, Izuku, we both know that your father doesn't give a second thought about what happens to you. Your mom might be worried but I'm afraid she won't do much either because of your father." The man says. "You can call me Scott. I am one of the 5 that chose you."

"Ch-chose me!!?!!" Izuku says shocked. "Why chose me and for what?"

"We chose you to be our successor, we have been watching you closely for the past few years. We have seen a lot about you." Scott says. "I've, no, we've seen the way you've stood up for people against those who were stronger than you, helped people even if you were hurting and most of all, we've seen how you always put others before you, no matter what."

"That answers why, as much as it sounds creepy, it gives me this weird feeling in my chest," Izuku says.

"It's called the feeling of validation, I believe, being noticed for your actions, it never happened before did it?" Scott says.

Izuku gives a small smile as he follows Scott deeper into the 'room'.

"I am one of 5, wielders of an unending, cosmic force, called the Phoenix Force," Scott says. "I believe it will be better if you look at the history of your power yourself from the Book of Origins."

Scott pushes a door open, revealing 4 figures sitting on thrones and 1 empty throne in the room.

"There are the rest of the people who chose you with me," Scott says pointing to the 4 people sitting on the throne. "From left to right, we have Namor, Emma Frost, Magik, and Colossus. The center throne being mine, of course." Scott says as he walks up to his throne to take his place.

"You said you wanted me to be your successor, what does that mean?" Izuku asked.

"It means we want you to be the next holder of the Phoenix Force." Emma Frost says.

Izuku looks at the 5, confused. "I'm sorry, the what now?" He asks.

"The phoenix force. Didn't Scott tell you anything?" Magik says.

"He said something about the book of origin and for me to see it for myself," Izuku answers honestly.

"Smart move, if we were to explain it ourselves, we would just end up boring you, the Book of Origins is much more interesting," Colossus says. "Emma, can you get the books? Or do I have to go and get it?"

"I'll get it, you can keep that seat of yours warm," Emma says with a snarky tone, waving her hand to get a book from one of the large stone shelves. The book flies around before coming to a rest in front of Izuku.

New Book! New Book! New Book!


If this is your first time reading one of my books, you can go and read some of the other books i have. [shameless plug, I know]. 

There are a few changes to the story, as always. 

Endeavour isn't a bitch, he is a normal parent, shoot and shook don't have scars as a result.

Endeavours role as a bitch is taken by Hisashi Midoriya, who is the number 15 hero Blaze. Also, Midoriya's and Todoroki's are related because Hisashi and Enji are step-brothers. 

Also as mentioned in the book description, Katsuki has a twin, Shoto has a twin and Izuku has a twin.

I'm not sure what else to add here, so ill leave you guys with this. Izuku will be OOC because of reasons that will be revealed in the next chapter.

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