Chapter 5 - Breaking Point

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Izuku walked to the beach, strolling around as casually as he could, not wanting to gin too much attention to himself.

He reached jetty where all might had asked to meet him and saw something, he did not like at all. He saw his father talking to All Might while his sister stood on the sides, typing away on her phone. Izuku walked a bit closer, to listen into their conversation without letting his position being known.

"So, as I was telling you, Izumi should be the one to inherit your quirk, she is perfect and im sure she wont need much training to use it. I've trained her enough to handle it. She will be the next symbol of peace, the next number one. A successor stronger than all the heroes." Hisashi tells the pro.

"But she already has a quirk that is strong enough to get her to the number one spot. She doesn't need to get it from me. Plus, I've already found a successor." All Might tells the man. "Anyway, I heard a rumour that you had a son. you never mention him in our talks, so I wanted to confirm directly from you. Confirm of the rumours were true or not."

"I don't have a son; Izumi is the only child I have." Hisashi says, with a force neutral expression.

"Oh, and what about Izuku?" All Might asked, raising his eyebrows.

"Wh-who?" Hisashi stuttered, taken aback by the mention of Izuku.

"Izuku, your son, Izumi's twin?" All might asks, raising his eyebrow at the pro.

"So, you know?" Hisashi said, frowning. "He isn't a child of mine. No child of mine can ever be weak and quirkless." He declared, causing Izuku to choke on the tears he never knew were there.

The people staying in Izuku's head had a bit to say about what Hisashi just said, here are a few experts from what Izuku heard.

"That freaking bastard!" Emma shouted in Izuku's head.

"As much as I condone violence, I will allow all of you to let lose if and when we ever fight this asshole." Colossus says with a scarily calm tone.

"Not even the Olympians are such bad parents!" Namor exclaims. "And they are gods that have to take care of the world for crying out loud."

"That is one man I would go dark phoenix on." Scott tells the group.

As for Magik, well lets just say those are words that were less than pleasant by a long shot and as a result the author has decided not to put them into the chapter.

All Might sighs. "Hisashi, he is your son. what if he were to hear this? You disowning him and all. It would break him." All might tries to reason with the pro.

"I don't care. If it breaks, him let it, I don't care about a weak minded, quirkless brat like him." Hisashi tells the pro. "Stop thinking about that quirkless brat, he's worthless. I want you to think about Izumi becoming your successor, think about it for a day or two and let me know." Hisashi then walked away with Izumi following him, not even giving the pro a second glance.

All might watches as the father-daughter duo walk away, heading to their home. "You can come out now Izuku." All Might says, looking over at the horizon. Izuku is a bit shocked but does as he is told.

"I'm guessing you hear all of it?" All Might said, not turning his eyes away from Izuku. Izuku doesn't respond but his silence tells All Might everything he needs. "I stood where you are long ago." All might told Izuku.

"Wh-what d-do you mean?" Izuku said, wiping the tears of his face.

"I'll answer that question later because there's someone, I want you to meet." All Might says as he flexes his hero form and grabs Izuku and jumps away.

They land a few minutes later outside an old house. All Might knocks at the door of the house and is greeted by a short old man. "I swear, if it is another one of those- "He looks up at All Might and Izuku. "Oh, it's you and you brought someone with you this time. That's new. Come in." The old man tells the 2.

A/N - I wasn't sure what to name this chapter, so for now, its simply chapter 5 instead of a name like the other chapters. And this chapter is a bit shorter than usual so sorry for that as well.

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