Chapter 7 - New Powers

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"Alright kid, this is a bit complicated because you will be using your telekinesis to fly." Scott explained.

"W-wait, I have telekinesis!!!" Izuku shouted at them in his mind.

"Yeah you do, didn't I tell you about your powers earlier?" Scott explained.

"Not really, when I used my powers to save that girl, you guys had control of my body so while my body remembers the way you used the powers, I'm not sure I will be able to use it in the same way. That reminds me that I need to read her letter." Izuku told them.

"Seriously Scott, you forgot to tell him his powers!" Emma scolded the man.

"Hey! Not my mistake, we've known him for like a day and in that we've had encounters with the number one hero, 2 villain encounters and the shit at the beach! we were occupied with stuff. Its not like you explained it to him." Scott retorted.

"Well, you got me there. alright, Izuku, take the train like you planned, we'll explain the powers along the way. Magik will take control of your body till we reach the station closest to your house." Emma said.

With Magik in control of Izuku's body and Izuku free to look about a bit, Izuku finally took a good look at his mindscape for the first time.

Apart from the thrones that Izuku had seen earlier, he saw the massive library off to the side and noticed smaller details like how there were windows that showed him exactly what was going on outside.

This was also the first time he noticed the circle Magik was standing in. the circle had Runes around it.

"I see you've noticed the runes." Emma told the boy.

"Yeah, what are they, they look like weird symbols." Izuku commented.

"They're runes kid, with an Asgardian origin. They're what allow us to change between who's driving your body. A steering wheel if you will. And the person in the driver's seat also specifies what powers you get to use." Emma explained.

"I don't understand that. What do you mean the driver decided the powers I use?" Izuku asked confused.

"To put it simply, if I were in the driver's seat, your telepathic abilities would be boosted and you would be able to turn hard as diamond. If Scott was in the driver's seat, you'd have more accuracy in shooting psionic beams, and you would also be able to use Scott's eye lasers to an extent. If Colossus was in the driver's seat, then enhanced strength, durability and adamantium skin." Emma explained. "Similarly if Namor took control you'd be able to survive underwater for much longer than an average human, communicate with aquatic animals and heal in presence of water and if Magik took control then, you'd be able to sue her soul sword and manipulate magic like her."

"Ok what happens if im in control?" Izuku asked.

"Well, then you get the basic powers from the phoenix force. So manipulation of cosmic energies, telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, spatial awareness to an extent, emotion manipulation, creating objects out of pure energy, matter manipulation, and possible resurrection in case of death if the attachment to the force is very strong. The last power has been only displayed by Jean and none of the users after her. It's a bit iffy, so don't be reckless and think that the force will revive you if you die somehow." Emma explained.

Izuku chuckled at her explanation.

"What so funny?" Emma asked.

"Nothing, just that you sounded like a teacher for a second." Izuku said as he burst out laughing.

"I mean, I was a teacher in the brotherhood's school so it's bound to happen." Emma told the boy.

"Alright, so that's a lot of power, if im being honest, so where do we begin?" Izuku asked her.

"We thought, using energy beams would be a good idea for now since your body already knows how to use it, we just need you to understand the process and regulate it's output to match your needs." Scott told him. "This is why for the next few week's you'll be working with me to better your energy projection and we'll alternate this with training with Colossus so you can gain physical strength to fight enemies without any sort of powers if need be."

"Alright. When do we start?"

"Not soon enough," Magik said. "You should really take control, we're outside the train station."

"Alright. We'll continue this once I'm home." Izuku responded as he stepped in the circle.

15 minutes later.

Izuku reached home and quietly went to his room. He did encounter his mom along the way and gave her a quick hug before going to his room, aka the storage loft. It was big enough for him to stand in and had enough privacy. The only person who ever came there was his mom. It was actually his mom's idea to let him have the loft as his room, that way he would be out of harm's way.

He goes to his desk, remembering that he had to read the letter he got from the girl he saved. He opened the letter and read it.

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

Thank you for saving me from that villain. I was scared, and I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry if the villain hurt you using my quirk. the nurses and policemen told me what happened after the villain capture me and I must say that you risked your life for me even when you didn't know me.

I am in the city for a few more days, and I was hoping we could meet once before I left for my home in the countryside. You don't have to agree to this, but I just wanted to thank you personally for saving me once more.


Ochako Uraraka

My phone number -XXXXXXXXXX

"Looks like you got girls number kid." Scott commented.

"It's not like that." Izuku shouted back, blushing.

"Your emotions tell us otherwise kid. Either way, give her a call or drop her a message and go meet her." Emma said. "It'll be nice for you to make some friends."

"Yeah....." Izuku said, with a sad voice. Emma quickly realized her mistake and looked at Scott.

"Kid, go sleep, we'll discuss your powers when you get up." Scott told Izuku. "You've had a pretty eventful day, so sleep and we'll talk tomorrow when you wake up. And one final thing, you will start losing your ability to display emotions starting tomorrow, the process will complete by the end of the week so just be careful alright."

Izuku yawned, agreeing to go to bed immediately. Something that the author should learn, because he originally wrote this at 2 in the morning.

A/N:- Well, here's the new chapter, also the next chapter should be released sometime this week along with a new chapter for Saving the Morphing Grid. Also, I realised that Any sort of ship with the Todoroki twins and Izumi won't work since endeavour and blase are stepbrothers. 

So as a result, the ships are Izumi and Katsuki and Shoto and Katsumi. Shoka is single for now. 

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